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How to access MapView created in UIViewRepresentable from ViewModel in swiftui

Forums > SwiftUI

The only way I know of to create a Google/MapKit MapView in swiftui is to use UIViewRepresentable and embed in ContentView.

var body: some View {

The issue is how do you get access to the gmsMapView created in the UIViewRepresentable from a ViewModel? Access to gmsMapView is required to draw on the map....I asked this question on StackOverflow but got no below. Thanks!


Hi, sorry I do not have an answer to your question.. but I'm struggling with kind of the same thing.. where to put everything without it becomming a mess.. It feels more natural to place things in a ViewModel (@ObservableObject) than @Binding & @State in every view...

Is it ok to place the initialization of MKMapView and CLLocationManager in a ViewModel? or binding it to the ViewModel from the UIViewRepresentable (initialized there)?

I'm using these references maybe they can help you somehow:


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