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How do I use Swift Data with an App Extension Target (Device Activity Monitor )

Forums > SwiftUI

Hi there, I currently have an app that is using the device activity monitor extension. Because this is seperate to the main app I am unable to call a swiftData query to get an array of my model. How do I call my swiftData Query in the extension?

import DeviceActivity
import Foundation
import FamilyControls
import ManagedSettings
import SwiftData
import SwiftUI
// Optionally override any of the functions below.
// Make sure that your class name matches the NSExtensionPrincipalClass in your Info.plist.
class DeviceActivityMonitorExtension: DeviceActivityMonitor {
    @Query var blocks:[BlockGroup] // Doesn't work 

    override func intervalDidStart(for activity: DeviceActivityName) {
        super.intervalDidStart(for: activity)
        // Handle the start of the interval.

    override func intervalDidEnd(for activity: DeviceActivityName) {
        super.intervalDidEnd(for: activity)


    override func eventDidReachThreshold(_ event: DeviceActivityEvent.Name, activity: DeviceActivityName) {
        super.eventDidReachThreshold(event, activity: activity)

        // Handle the event reaching its threshold.

    override func intervalWillStartWarning(for activity: DeviceActivityName) {
        super.intervalWillStartWarning(for: activity)

        // Handle the warning before the interval starts.

    override func intervalWillEndWarning(for activity: DeviceActivityName) {
        super.intervalWillEndWarning(for: activity)

        // Handle the warning before the interval ends.

    override func eventWillReachThresholdWarning(_ event: DeviceActivityEvent.Name, activity: DeviceActivityName) {
        super.eventWillReachThresholdWarning(event, activity: activity)

        // Handle the warning before the event reaches its threshold.



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