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SOLVED: How can I sort SwiftData Query results by a bool?

Forums > SwiftUI

Lets say I have a @Model class like this.

class MyObject {
    var isActive: Bool
    var name: String

And I want my query results to show active objects first, in alphabetical order by name, then inactive objects after, also in alphabetical order by name.

I thought that I would be able to use a Query like this...

@Query(sort: [SortDescriptor(\MyObject.isActive), SortDescriptor(\]) var objects: [MyObject]

But that gives me an error saying "No exact matches in call to initializer". So, I guess it doesn't know how to sort by Bool even though that seems like it should be easy to do.

So, do I have to create 2 separate queries? One that filters out all of the inactive results, and one that filters out all of the active results,

    filter: #Predicate<MyObject> { object in

    sort: [SortDescriptor(\]

) var activeObjects: [MyObject]

    filter: #Predicate<MyObject> { object in

    sort: [SortDescriptor(\]

) var inactiveObjects: [MyObject]

and then just add them both to a List using separate ForEach loops...

var body: some View {
    List {
        ForEach(activeObjects) { object in
            NavigationLink(value: object) {

        ForEach(inactiveObjects) { object in
            NavigationLink(value: object) {

Or is there some easier way to do it with just one Query that I'm missing?



consider making the type Bool conform to the Comparable protocol. i have used this in the past for sorting booleans (although i have not tested with SwiftData yet).

extension Bool: Comparable {
    public static func <(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        // the only true inequality is false < true
        !lhs && rhs

hope that helps,



Yes, that does get rid of the error, so I suppose that could be one way of doing it. Thanks.


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