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How can I prevent didMove(to view: SKView) from firing twice when scene is called by SpriteView()?

Forums > SwiftUI

I have a GameScene called from the body of a SwiftUI view. In iOS 15, everything works perfectly. However, in earlier versions of iOS, it does not work. Specifically, as print statements indicate, didMove(toView: SKView) is being called twice. This causes a "start" button reappear and the desired game actions to run invisibly in the background. Below is the SwiftUI view that contains the SpriteView().
I think the issue is being caused by calls to the viewModel in the game scene which are used to update the SwiftUI view in which the SpriteView() appears. Is there a way to circumvent this? I suspect there is, because it works in iOS 15 (but not earlier versions). Please let me know if I have gone about this all wrong. Thanks!

struct NyonindoChallengeView: View {
    @ObservedObject var viewModel = NyonindoChallengeViewModel()
    var gameScene: SKScene {
        let scene = NyonindoGameScene(
            size: CGSize(
                width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width,
                height: UIScreen.main.bounds.height
            attempts: viewModel.attempts
        scene.viewModel = self.viewModel
        scene.scaleMode = .aspectFill
        return scene

    var endScene: SKScene {
        let scene = NyonindoSummaryScene(size: CGSize(
                                            width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width,
                                            height: UIScreen.main.bounds.height
        scene.viewModel = self.viewModel
        scene.scaleMode = .aspectFill
        return scene

var body: some View {
    ZStack {
        GeometryReader { geometry in
            if viewModel.gameOver {
                SpriteView(scene: endScene,
                           transition: .crossFade(
                            withDuration: 1.0
                        width: geometry.size.width,
                        height: geometry.size.height
            } else {
                SpriteView(scene: gameScene,
                           transition: .crossFade(
                            withDuration: 1.0
                        width: geometry.size.width,
                        height: geometry.size.height
        .statusBar(hidden: true)
        VStack {
            HStack {
                Text(viewModel.gameActive ? "Round \(viewModel.attempts + 1) of 3" : "")
                Text("Try to beat \(viewModel.highestScore)")

            if viewModel.gameOver {
                let earnedPoints = viewModel.highestScore
                let points = min(nyonindoChallenge.maxPoints, earnedPoints)
                ChallengeFeedbackView(challenge: nyonindoChallenge, points: points, success: true, text: "Well done!")


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