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[SOLVED] How can I make one drag gesture trigger behaviour in multiple views sequentially?

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In the middle of a view I'm working on for an iPhone app, I have an HStack with a variable number of custom views. How can I make them react when the user drags a finger across them?

To make it more concrete, I'd like each view to play a sound when it's touched. Imagine dragging a finger across a xylophone or piano and each key playing the appropriate sound.

I can make each view respond when tapped pretty easily.

// A bunch of views above the relavant views

// Create a SoundView for each sound the array
HStack {
                ForEach(sounds) { sound in
                    .onTapGesture() {
                            if let safeSound = sound.name {

// A bunch of views below the relevant views

However, taps only work for single sounds, don't activate immediately when a view is touched, and don't work with drags.

I've tried replacing the above tap gesture with a drag gesture such as this one, but it only works for the item that's touched first. If I drag my finger from the first SoundView to the second, it doesn't cancel the first sound and play the second.

@GestureState var touching = false

// Create a SoundView for each sound the array
HStack {
                ForEach(sounds) { sound in
                    .gesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0, coordinateSpace: .local)
                      .updating($touching, body: { (_, touching, _) in
                        touching = true
                        print(sound.name) // printing is easier to see when it's being activated; end state this would be the soundBox.playSound(soundName)
                    .onEnded() { _ in

This activates when touched, but it does NOT:

  • cease to be active when I move my finger off of the originally touched view
  • trigger the next view if I drag my finger from the first view to the second view

I've tried putting the drag gesture into the SoundView directly rather than have it attached a view in the HStack, but that doesn't work either.

I think ideally I'd put state variables inside the SoundView so that it could change visually as well as play a sound when touched, but at the moment, I just can't get the core drag recognition functionality to work even close to the way I want.


I've mostly figured out a way to solve the problem. Posting for feedback as well as future reference for others :)

My solution is based on the HWS Switcharoo video: https://youtu.be/ffV_fYcFoX0

However, what I needed to do was switch things around so that instead of the dragged item responding to what's underneath it, the items underneath responded to the drag.

In the main view, I setup a Bool array that I bound to each individually created SoundView. At some point I'll automatically generate the required amount, but for now, I just manually created as many as I needed.

Following the tutorial, I also created an array of CGRect to be populated later. These are what gave me the coordinates on screen to see if I was dragging to the right spot.

The magic happens in the DragGesture, where the drag coordinates get evaluated against the coordinates in the soundFrames. If there's a match, I take the array index of the matched frame and use that to toggle a Bool at the same index in the soundStates array, which are bound to each SoundView. When the SoundView state is active, it performs the desired behaviours.

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var soundFrames = [CGRect]()
    @State private var soundStates = [false, false, false]

    let sounds: MultiSound
    let soundBox = SoundBox()

    var body: some View {

        //            This came from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffV_fYcFoX0&t=6175s
        HStack {
            ForEach(0 ..< sounds.unit.count) { index in
                SoundView(active: $soundStates[index], sound: sound[index])
                        //            Creating an overlay creates a view that matches the size of the original view
                        GeometryReader { geo in
                                .onAppear {
                                    //            Insert that into a state array, and now can access the coordinates of frames
                                    soundFrames.insert((geo.frame(in: .global)), at: 0)
            .gesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0, coordinateSpace: .global)
                        .onChanged({ (value) in

                            //                                If there's a match activate the view by toggling state
                            if let match = soundFrames.firstIndex(where: { $0.contains(value.location) }) {
                                soundStates[match] = true
                            } else {
                        .onEnded({ (_) in

In the SoundView, I did a bit of a hack where I added a .background modifier that runs a function that returns a Color, but in the function, I also play some sound. I added a comment to myself that I should investigate using .onChanged when I start to require iOS 14.

struct SoundView: View {
    @Binding var active: Bool

    let sound: Sound
    let soundBox = SoundBox()

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
                .font(sound.length == .silent ? .body : .largeTitle)
            if sound.symbol != nil {
                Image(systemName: sound.symbol!)
//        For iOS 14
//        .onChange(of: active) { (active) in
//            <#code#>
//        }

    private func combo() -> Color {
        if active == true {
            guard let sound = sound.sound else { return Color.red }

            if sound.length == .long {
                soundBox.playSound(sound, categoy: .beep, loop: true)
            } else if sound.length == .short {
                soundBox.playSound(sound, categoy: .beep)

            return Color.red
        } else {
            return Color.clear

I'm sure it can be done better, so feedback definitely welcome :)


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