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SOLVED: Help with onChange

Forums > SwiftUI


Good afternoon, don't judge me harshly, but I'm a novice developer trying to figure it out. With the arrival of ios 17, onChang needs to be written in a new way, and now I don't understand how it needs to be redone. Here is my old code and I don't understand how it needs to be redone

  var body: some View {
        content (separateTasks().0, separateTasks().1)
            .onChange(of: filterDate) { newValue in
                //очистка старого предиката
                result.nsPredicate = nil

                let calendar = Calendar.current
                let startOfDay = calendar.startOfDay(for: newValue)
                let endOfDay = 23, minute: 59, second: 59, of: startOfDay)!
               let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "date >= %@ AND date <= %@", argumentArray: [startOfDay, endOfDay])

                /// Назначение нового предиката
                result.nsPredicate = predicate


onChange has now either none or two parameters. Change

.onChange(of: filterDate) { newValue in


.onChange(of: filterDate) { oldValue, newValue in or .onChange(of: filterDate) { _, newValue in



thank you very much


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