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Help with how to construct complex form in SwiftUI

Forums > SwiftUI


I'm really struggling to think of an optimal way to recreate something similar to the attached form in SwiftUI, for use on an iPad. Not even sure it's possible to be honest I've thought about using Form, List, and LazyGrids. But I'm a bit stuck on the best view strategy, and even the data model has me a bit stumped. Each cell would need to be independently selectable, and each column of data would represent an independent data struct.

Any pointers would be greatly received.


@Dave is trying to eat a large elephant.

I'm really struggling to think of an optimal way to recreate something similar to

Complex View

How to Eat an Elephant

In the engineering world there's a saying that the only sure way to eat an entire elephant is to finish one bite at a time.

So much of structuring a program is breaking down your program's objectives into solvable "bite sized" pieces. You may be getting caught up in the enormity of your goals. ("I want to recreate this medical chart using LazyVGrid....")

Break your problem into smaller pieces. Then solve one problem at a time.

Cell View

I would advise you to start with a single cell view. Make it a separate SwiftUI view on its own. What are its allowable values? What colors are permissable?

Get this view working with a number of different parameters. The data model for this view should be very simple.

Row View

Seems all the cells in a row are the same color? Maybe this is just a template? Not sure. But the next view I'd work on is a single row. Get a row formatted per your user's requirements. Feed it an array of data conforming to one of your chart's requirements. Then test your RowView with several types of input data.

Group View

Next, I see several RowViews are grouped. Rates, Percentages, Pressures, that sort of thing. Skip the measurements for now, but work on creating a GroupView that takes a title ("SpO2 %") and a collection or data rows. Code the GroupView so that the title is rotated ninety degrees anticlockwise, and add the rows to complete the group.

Create two sets of sample data (SpO2 and Repiratory Rate) and focus on this GroupView until you can create both groups using the same code, but different input parameters.

Group View Measurements

Not sure the top and bottom values for your groups (Rates, Percentages, mmHg, etc) but adding the measurement labels is a bit tricky because each label is offset by 1/2 the height of the row. @twoStraws and others have written about view offsets, so this may be new to you.

Continue Eating

I think you see the gist of this approach. I would avoid trying to plan out a large grid, then trying to get fancy with how you might merge cells, and vary widths, colors, etc. Instead, I think your grid will be easier to debug if you start with the smallest unit and build outwards. To mix metaphors, it's like building a Lego Millenium Falcon (over 7,500 pieces!!). Start building small sections and support structures. Then snap the smaller modules together to build larger modules. In the end, they will all snap together to make your masterpiece.

Keep Coding!

Please return here and let us know how you solved your interface challenge!


@Obelix thank you so much for your incredibly detailed and patient advice. You are 100% correct, I was attempting to solve the problem from the perspective of the finished product, complete with all the fancy interactions I envisage it would be nice to have. I will take your sound advice and start with the smallest units and try to build up. This is exactly how @twostraws has taught us in his tutorials but it's easy to forget that strategy when you start a 'real world' and try to build the finished product on day one. Thank you so much :-)


Coincidently, I am writing an app for a local school to help them sell tickets in their uniquely-shaped auditorium. Not a unique application in concept, as this is done by many ticket selling web sites. But this is unique due to the rows and seats. Much like your chart!

But I'm dealing with similar issues that you are. Not all rows of have the same number of seats. Sometimes an aisle inconveniently breaks a row into smaller parts. For some odd reason, seats on the left side of the house have a different numbering scheme. Then I have to also accomodate wheelchair and early seating assistance.

One. Bite. at a Time.


I started with a Seat struct. It holds data such as Row, ChairNumber, isReserved. I tested this one struct over and over with different data to get it working correctly. Wrote methods to change reservation status.

Then I changed the isReserved boolean to an enumeration, because I realised a seat could be free, reserved, or pending reservation. (Tapped, but not yet reserved by the user.) Your models will change as you test your assumptions.


After getting the seats working (more or less) I assembled a few seats together to make a single row. The Row struct contains an array of Seat objects. But a row also has some reservation methods. If you need four seats and tap on a seat in a row, the logic needs to decide if there are that many consecutive seats available. If so, those seats are marked pending, and the UI updates those seats with the pending reservation color until the user decides to cancel, or book those seats.

Keep Eating

Well, you see where this is going. I just kept adding code and testing assumptions.

Keep Coding

It will be great to see your progress. Please return here with more questions, and let us see how your graph evolves!



This is brilliant and actually very close in concept to what I would like to achieve with this medical chart.

Following on from your advice I made good progress creating a cell, which using .onTapGesture I can toggle a bool to show the cell as selected in exactly the way I want. I was then able to create a column of those 'cells' using a ForEach loop , and grow the form as you predicted into multiple columns.

The problem I have (and which I am starting to appreciate is actually the core skill required for effective programming) is solving how to model the data so that it is usable. This is hard.

In the medical chart, not only does the chart need to display selections, it also needs to store the data inside a struct.

Ideally, each column would itself be a struct containing a number of variables corresponding to the relevant vital sign (heart rate, blood pressure etc), and each 'column struct' would be unique, based on a Date() instance variable to differentiate it from the other columns/sets of vital signs. I can model this struct quite easily.


The difficulty I have is understanding how I can store the data in the struct and from that data generate an array of corresponding cell views, for the user, which upon selection, record the relevant vital sign (ie heart rate 80), and display the cell as selected, and record data.. If I use an array of cells inside a struct, how do I link a cell to its corresponding vital sign? With an array I'm generally stuck with the same data type, and it lacks a 'key' to identify it's label. If I use a dictionary, then I lose order (which is essential for the row of cells to correlate with the relevant value on the Y axis). May I be so bold as to ask how you will create your seat view and relate it to your seat selection model struct? I think, as you suggest, your model is acheiving pretty much the same thing.


Dave continues the discussion with:

The difficulty I have is understanding how I can store the data in the struct
and from that data generate an array of corresponding cell views, for the user,
which upon selection, record the relevant vital sign (ie heart rate 80),
and display the cell as selected, and record data.


See my previous entry on eating an elephant!

Data Modeling

The concept which I am starting to appreciate is actually the core skill required
for effective programming) is solving how to model the data so that it is usable. This is hard.

Yes! It is hard! There are entire semesters in universities focused solely on Data Modeling. Find a grey-hair in your organisation, go to a pub, and ask about First Normal Form. You may need to buy a few rounds!

But I think the elephant concept works with data modeling as well. I cannot share a solution in a single forum post. You will not solve it with one brilliant brain spasm. This will take some trial and error, with much focus on the error part.

Step Away from the Meds

Take a breather from your customer's data requirements. Set aside your speculums, electrocardiogram charts, and pulse oximeters. That problem will be around tomorrow, and for a few more weeks. Instead, consider a different, somewhat similar problem: a single deck of cards. Cards may be represented by a Card struct, the properties might be the suit (♠️♥️♣️♦️), the value (2-14), and the face icon (2-10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace). A deck can then be represented by an array of Card objects.

Selecting subsets

Now consider shuffling the deck of cards into some random order. This might cause you heartburn if you want to only display four of a kind, or perhaps a Royal Flush. Or will it? Where in that shuffled deck are the four Kings?

While your cardDeck contains 52 Card objects, your Royal Flush view only requires five cards, 10 through Ace, all of the same suit. Consequently, you don't need to bother thinking about ALL the cards in your deck. Instead, create a computed var and extract the five cards from the deck that you want to display.

Card and Deck Example

Here's some code with simple structs modeling a deck of playing cards.

struct Card: Identifiable {
    // Super simple struct. Nothing clever!
    // Don't over think it.
    var id    = UUID()          // Grid convenience
    var value = 0               // trivial default
    var suit  = Suit.heart      // ♥️

// Convenience Variables
extension Card: CustomStringConvertible {
    //====================== Make a New Deck
    static var newDeck: [Card] {
        var aNewDeck = [Card]()
        for aSuit in Card.Suit.allCases {  // for each suit and value
            for cardNumber in (2..<15) {
                // add unique card to the new deck
                aNewDeck.append(Card(value: cardNumber, suit: aSuit))
        return aNewDeck // not shuffled!
    // ====================== Description for convenience
    var description : String {  // 9♥️, J♣️
        switch value {
        case 14:
            "A" + self.suit.rawValue
        case 2...10:
            String(value) + self.suit.rawValue
        case 11:
            "J" + self.suit.rawValue
        case 12:
            "Q" + self.suit.rawValue
        case 13:
            "K" + self.suit.rawValue
            "X" // Critical Reactor Temperature
    // ====================== Valid Suit Options
    enum Suit: String, CaseIterable {
        case heart = "♥️", spade = "♠️", diamond = "♦️", club = "♣️"

Display and Shuffle

Take 52 of these cards and display them in a ScrollView. Below the scroll view of all 52 cards in the deck, display a subset of the cards. First display a Royal Flush, Under that display a random Four-of-A-Kind hand.

Shuffle the cards a few times. Notice how the computed vars don't care how shuffled the deck is. Those vars can quickly extract the cards they need for their specialised hand views.

struct CardDeckView: View {
    @State private var aDeckOfCards = [Card]() // create a new deck
    // Royal Flush is extracted from the deck, no matter its order
    var royalFlush: [Card] {
        aDeckOfCards.filter { card in
            card.value > 9 && card.suit == .diamond
        }.sorted{ $0.value > $1.value} // <- Sort Ace down to Ten
    // Four of a Kind extracted from deck, no matter the order
    var fourOfAKind: [Card] {
        let randomValue = Int.random(in: 2..<14) // Random Face value
        return aDeckOfCards.filter { card in
            card.value == randomValue
        } // No sort required
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            HStack {
                Button("New Deck") { aDeckOfCards = Card.newDeck}.buttonStyle(.borderedProminent)
                Button("Shuffle" ) {
                    withAnimation {
                        aDeckOfCards = Card.newDeck.shuffled()

            ScrollView {
                LazyVGrid(columns: [GridItem(), GridItem(), GridItem(), GridItem(), GridItem(), GridItem()], content: {
                    ForEach( aDeckOfCards) { card in
                        CardView(card: card)
            HandView(cardHand: royalFlush  ) // declare WHAT you want to see
            HandView(cardHand: fourOfAKind )
                aDeckOfCards = Card.newDeck // initialize a new deck!

// Don't care what cards are passed in.
// Display them in a horizontal fashion.
struct HandView: View {
    // Can show a Royal Flush, Four of a Kind, Two Pair, Full House, whatev
    var cardHand: [Card] // pass in a collection of Cards

    var body: some View {
        HStack {
            ForEach (cardHand) { cardInHand in
                CardView(card: cardInHand) // Sweet tangerines this is easy

// Break your large, cumbersome view into smaller, solvable, bite-sized pieces.
struct CardView: View {
    let card: Card  // Nice! Pass in a card you want to display
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            Rectangle().fill(.cyan.opacity(0.3)).frame(width: 50, height: 45)
            Text("\(card.description)") // A♥️

Extract More Card Hands

Digest the code above. Add more computed vars, and change the HandViews to display them: Full House, Two Pair, GoNutz. Get used to the idea that the cardDeck has 52 cards in it and your computed vars extract the data you need to display your desired goals.


Back to the Waiting Room

How does this relate to your designs?

Think of the data that you collect. Don't really worry what it represents, when it was collected, or what its values are. (These are important, but not in the design!) Then create computed vars to extract the data you need (by date, by patient, by exam type, by values) and display that in a generic chart grid.

I hope you can see the parallels? The HandView() is a generic display structure. I pass in aRoyalFlush, or aFullHouse. The computed vars aRoyalFlush, or aFullHouse have specific filters to pull data from the larger deckOfCards object.

Keep Coding!



Thank you once again. As I'm sure you knew when you were kindly writing the reply for me, the deck of cards example was incredibly helpful, and related directly to my problem. Thank you (And of course it all seems so straightforward when someone explains it for me!).

Unfortunately I dont have any grey hairs in my organisation that I can ask about First Normal Form, but I have looked into it on google just now. The word 'hard' came to mind again. I am the grey hair in some respects, but in the wrong field (I'm a paramedic - hence the form) and so I'm the customer and (hopefully) the developer.

I'd just like to thank you again, sincerely, for taking time to write thoughtful, detailed replies to random strangers on this forum. I must have read countless of your previous forum replies while completing the 100 days course. They are always supremely generous in their detail, patient, and encouraging. Thank you.


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