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Help me figure it out MVVM + Coordinator.

Forums > SwiftUI

Good afternoon everyone. Guys, who has a simple example of implementing the Coordinator pattern in swiftUI. No matter how many examples I looked at, everything was somehow confusing. There is an understanding of how everything works with a Clean Swift in UIKit, but I can't figure it out SwiftUI.


I implemented this pattern based on the video Why You Should Use The SwiftUI Coordinator Pattern Everything worked out but there was a problem with loading data several times.

import SwiftUI

protocol IShowJobPageSceneDelegate: AnyObject {
    func showJobPageScene(id: String)

protocol IShowPasswordSceneDelegate: AnyObject {
    func showPasswordScene(eMail: String)

protocol IShowSearchSceneDelegate: AnyObject {
    func showSearchScene()

protocol IBackSceneDelegate: AnyObject {
    func backScene()

enum Flow: Hashable {
    case loginScene
    case passwordScene(String)
    case vacancyScene
    case jobScene(String)

final class SearchCoordinator: ObservableObject {

    @Published var flow: Flow = .loginScene
    @Published var path: NavigationPath = NavigationPath()

    func push(_ page: Flow) {

    func pop() {

    func popToRoot() {

    func changeFlow(flow: Flow, globalFavoritesModel: GlobalFavoritesModel) -> some View {
        switch (flow, globalFavoritesModel.isAuthorized) {
        case (.loginScene, false):
            let assembler = AssemblerLoginView()
            assembler.configurator(delegate: self)
        case (.passwordScene(let email), _):
            let assembler = AssemblerPasswordView()
            assembler.configurator(delegate: self, modelDTO: email)
        case (.vacancyScene, _):
            let assembler = AssemblerMainSearch()
            assembler.configurator(delegate: self, globalModel: globalFavoritesModel)
        case (.jobScene(let vacancyID), _):
            let assembler = AssemblerJobPage()
            assembler.configurator(backSceneDelegate: self, modelDTO: vacancyID)
        case (_, true):
            let assembler = AssemblerMainSearch()
            assembler.configurator(delegate: self, globalModel: globalFavoritesModel)

extension SearchCoordinator: IShowJobPageSceneDelegate {
    func showJobPageScene(id: String) {

extension SearchCoordinator: IBackSceneDelegate {
    func backScene() {

extension SearchCoordinator: IShowPasswordSceneDelegate {
    func showPasswordScene(eMail: String) {

extension SearchCoordinator: IShowSearchSceneDelegate {
    func showSearchScene() {

The problem in the navigation stack repeats several times NavigationStack(path: self.$coordinator.path) { }

import SwiftUI

struct SearchCoordinatorView: View {

    @StateObject private var coordinator = SearchCoordinator()
    @EnvironmentObject var globalFavoritesModel: GlobalFavoritesModel

    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack(path: self.$coordinator.path) {
            self.coordinator.changeFlow(flow: coordinator.flow, globalFavoritesModel: globalFavoritesModel)
                .navigationDestination(for: Flow.self) { page in
                    self.coordinator.changeFlow(flow: page, globalFavoritesModel: globalFavoritesModel)
                        .navigationBarTitle("", displayMode: .inline)


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