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Getting my feet wet with a simple (?) proof of concept?

Forums > SwiftUI

I'm trying to understand SwiftUI and have a simple app in mind to help me learn. My app has one model and two views:


struct Tournament { // eventually will have more properties, such as Bool, Date, arrays, etc.
    var name: String
    var location: String = "Franchises"

  #if DEBUG
    var tournamentData = [
        Tournament(name: "Season Opener"),
        Tournament(name: "May Day Tournament"),
        Tournament(name: "Memorial Day Tournament"),
        Tournament(name: "School's Out Tournament")


struct TournamentListView: View {
    // should I use a different property wrapper if this is going to be something I refer to throughout the app?
    @State var tournaments = tournamentData 

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            VStack {
                List(tournaments, id: \.name) { tournament in
                        destination: TournamentDetailView(tournaments: $tournaments, tournament: tournament),
                        label: { Text (}


                    destination: TournamentDetailView(tournaments: $tournaments, addingNewTournament: true),
                    label: { Text ("Add a new tournament") }


struct TournamentDetailView: View {
    @Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode
    @Binding var tournaments: [Tournament]
    @State var tournament = Tournament(name: "")
    var addingNewTournament: Bool = false

    var body: some View {
        Form {
            Section(header: Text("Tournament Info")) {
                TextField("Name", text: $
                TextField("Location", text: $tournament.location)
            Section {
                Button(action: {
                    if addingNewTournament { tournaments.append(tournament) }
          else { /* what should I do here? */ }
                }) { Text(addingNewTournament ? "Create Tournament" : "Update Tournament") }

This example app is about 95% of the way there. Upon launch, I see the list of Tournaments and the "Add" link. If I click on "Add", I can see the Form, I can fill it out, press the "Create Tournament" and the item is saved to the array. If I press on an item already in the list, the only that doesn't work is that the changes aren't saved.

So I have two questions: one specific, one open-ended:

  1. How do I save modifications to an existing item?
  2. Am I doing this more-or-less the right way, or am I really swimming against the current? Are there any improvements I should/could make?

I recognize that there is no persistence, but that will come later.

Thanks for your help.


I think I answered question #1:

I changed these lines in my ListView:

List(tournaments.indices, id: \.self) { index in
                        destination: TournamentDetailView(tournaments: $tournaments, tournament: tournaments[index], indexOfTournament: index),
                        label: {
                            Text (self.tournaments[index].name)

…and these lines in my DetailsView:

    var indexOfTournament: Int? // a new variable for the struct

  // the else part of the Button action:
    if ! && !tournament.location.isEmpty {
    tournaments[indexOfTournament!] = tournament

So, it works. Now, what about question #2?


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