@AnZo73 I can assure you that everyone on this forum and everyone who is writing code today has experienced the same frustration you are experiencing, and it is indeed excruciating.
I observe in myself that my impatience to learn, to hurry to be a productive coder, actually creates some of the frustration. I want to be further along than I actually am, and so I will watch tutorials and think "That's basic stuff, I already understand it". But actually I haven't written the code, experimented with it a little, and anchored the information with my own experience - however basic. Then when I attempt something "more than basic" I'm at a loss and feel that I'm just not smart enough or whatever. Very frustrating.
I've bought so many books (and read some of them, at least partly) and signed up for courses. In fact, I subscribed to HWS+ and paid the money, mostly for the Ultimate Portfolio app training. Then I suddenly decided I wanted to be a blockchain programmer, so I paid for a Udemy course in that. I got about halfway into it and then got a reply from an iOS developer job application. So now I've switched back to Ultimate Portfolio and I'm frantically trying to learn everything immediately.
I suggest you just try to take it a bit slower and try to go through each step more thoroughly and really master even each of the simplest steps. Because each one is a building block, a foundation for the next step.
And... I should take my own advice too! Good luck and keep asking for help!