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SOLVED: Delete all item from Core Data with Button

Forums > SwiftUI

How can ı delete all item from core data ? Deleting one by one can be tiring sometimes.


With a BatchDeleteRequest. Create one for each entity you have and isn't deleted automatically via delete rule "Cascade".

func deleteAll() {
      let fetchRequest1: NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult> = YourEntityName.fetchRequest()
      let batchDeleteRequest1 = NSBatchDeleteRequest(fetchRequest: fetchRequest1)
      _ = try? container.viewContext.execute(batchDeleteRequest1)


SwiftUI does not have NSBatchDeleteRequest or NSFetchRequest.


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But CoreData has. You have to import CoreData.



I tried @Hatsuhira's method on the FriendFace app and it worked perfectly. Before I was using a for loop :P

@Hatshuhira I have a question if you know please, I have a SQL data base browser and although the items are deleted every time, when I recreate them there is Z_PK column that keeps progressing the numbers, i.e.: Initially you enter 100 entries, each has Z_PK 1,2, up to 100 Once you delete, and re-enter the 100 entries, you still have 100 entries, but each entry now has Z_PK that starts from 101,102 etc


@Bnerd This is because the PK (primary key) is an autoincrement. I know you can reset them with a SQL command. But I don't know how to do this with Core Data. I'm not even sure you can run a raw SQL command with Core Data. Usually, you shouldn't mess with the database primary keys although when every table is empty there shouldn't be a risk.

The easiest way to reset it in your app is to delete it and reinstall it.


Sorry. I don't understand. I am new in swiftUI. I created one function which name is deleteAll. But program said cannot find container in scope. I have one for each in list. I use onDelete to delete one by one. Where should i use this function ? Can you show one example for that ?


I solved like this.

  func deleteAll() {
        let fetchRequest1: NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult> = GeneratedQR.fetchRequest()
        let batchDeleteRequest1 = NSBatchDeleteRequest(fetchRequest: fetchRequest1)
        try? moc.execute(batchDeleteRequest1)
        try? moc.save()


I assigned it to the button. When ı press the button all items delete. But ı cant see dynamically. Pages doesnt rendered. I can show only re open the app.


I would have to see the rest of your code and what is the data source for your page?


I figured out.

  func deleteAll() {
        //write item type to itemType
        let fetchRequest = itemType.fetchRequest()
        let items = try? moc.fetch(fetchRequest)
        for item in items ?? [] {
        try? moc.save()



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