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Day 24 challenge

Forums > SwiftUI


At the second challenge «Go back to project 1 and use a conditional modifier to change the total amount text view to red if the user selects a 0% tip.»

I can't figure out how to toggle @State private var to true when user selects 0%.

Please help me


When user select 0% tip from array but have the modiflier to change foreground color to red with

.foregroundColor(tipPercentage == 4 ? .red : .black)

where 4 is the number in array or you can do

var noTipSelected: Bool {
        let tipSelection = Double(tipPercentages[tipPercentage]) ?? 0
        if tipSelection == 0 {
            return true
        } else {
            return false

then add

.foregroundColor(noTipSelected ? .red : .black)


@NigelGee can you explain this solution? I can see that it works but I don't undertand why. Thank you!

.foregroundColor(tipPercentage == 4 ? .red : .black)


Because tipPercentage == 4 is the forth in the Array of tipPercentages so when that is selected it will be true therfore turn red


thanks for the help!


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