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Commands in SwiftUI 2.0 do not working

Forums > SwiftUI


I try to wor with keyboard shortcuts with commands in SwiftUI 2.0. Here is the sample code, which does not work. Any Idea, what's wrong?

@main struct app: App {
  var body: some Scene {
    WindowGroup {
    .commands {
      CommandMenu("CustomCommands") {
        Button("command1",action:{print("command 1 executed")})
        .keyboardShortcut("x", modifiers: .command)
        Button("command2",action:{print("command 2 executed")})

The keyboard commands are not received on the iPad or on the Mac under Catalyst. A menu entry does not appear on the Mac (Catalyst) as expected.

Xcode: Version 12.0 beta 2 (12A6163b). MacOS: 11.0 Beta (20A4300b)


I have the same problem :/


Same issue here on beta 5, both in simulator and iPad Pro 11".


I have a similiar problem. In Beta 4 this code worked fine. Now with Beta 5 the sheets don't show anymore. Button does work, though. The action is executed.

var body: some View {
        List(menuObjects.menuItems, children: \.menuItems) { menuRow in
            SidebarItem(menuItem: menuRow)
        .navigationTitle("Base Data".localized)
        .toolbar {
            Menu {
                Button("Patient".localized, action: {
                }).sheet(isPresented: $showAddPatientView) {
                    AddPatientView(isPresented: $showAddPatientView).environment(\.managedObjectContext, moc)
                Button("Contact".localized, action: {
                }).sheet(isPresented: $showAddContactView) {
                    AddContactView(isPresented: $showAddContactView).environment(\.managedObjectContext, moc)
                Button("Medicament".localized, action: {
                }).sheet(isPresented: $showAddMedicamentView) {
                    AddMedicamentView(isPresented: $showAddMedicamentView).environment(\.managedObjectContext, moc)
            } label: {
                Label("+", systemImage: "plus")


Add on a WindowGroup

.commands {

And implement struct:

struct AppCommands: Commands {

    func next() {}
    func prev() {}

    @CommandsBuilder var body: some Commands {
        CommandMenu("Navigation") {
            Button(action: {
            }) {

            Button(action: {
            }) {

It works on Version 12.2 beta 3 (12B5035g) on macOS 11.0.1 (20B5012d)


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