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SOLVED: Color Button Switch State

Forums > SwiftUI


I'm trying to change the state for the color of a button/shape/rectangle on a main view after an event is triggered.

For example, i have an invisible button/rectangle/shape on the screen, when a correct or invalid response is given, i want the button/rectangle/shape to change color

i can update TEXT (words of success or failure) for the viewer but i'm stuck on how to program this

Any help would be awesome

Thanks Paul


Tenary operator. You have a State variable which is a Bool in your view. When the event is triggered the color changes. Just an example and the modifiers in my example could be not the right one for your case.

opacity( yourVariableName == true ? 1.0 : 0.0) or .foregroundColor( yourVariableName == true ? .red : .black)


Thanks for the reply

I came up with this,

var answerFill =

in some view Circle() .fill(answerFill) .frame(width: 20, height: 20)

in function

if number == correctAnswer {
scoreTitle = "CORRECT" scorePlayer += 5

    } else {     
 answerFill =  This doesn't work at all 

How would i use your example in context, do i need to make a Let statement? a @State

so wrapped up in this, i'm confusing myself


For your situation, I'd use a computed property. You have your State item like:

@State var yourCondition: Int = 1  // updated however you require

Add a computed property for the color to be used:

    var colorToShow: Color {
        switch yourCondition {
            case 1:
                return .red
            case 2:
                return .green
            case 3:
                return .blue
            case 4:
                return Color(UIColor(red: 0.5, green: 0.2, blue: 0.8, alpha: 0.5))
                return .clear

In your view, some other "view" (i.e. Button, shape, etc...) that you want to affect the color of based on a condition:

  Button(action: { print("hello")}, label: {

Now you can have any number of conditons and any number of colors to display. You can use the same approach for a String to display or a Font to use, etc...


Thank you both for your input


Worked like a charm

Does the happy dance

Thanks again

Cheers Paul



If the solution worked for you can you click the "checkmark" under the correct so people can see that it SOLVED. It would help to see if a problem is sovled or still working on.

Happy coding (and dancing 😂)



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