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SOLVED: Class & struct -> Segmented Picker Style?

Forums > SwiftUI

How am I going to explain this one...

Okay, I have the following class and struct set up, and updated the environment variables in SceneDelegate too:

class PointsTables: ObservableObject {
    @Published var taskdata: [PointsTable] = []

struct PointsTable: Identifiable, Hashable {
    var id = UUID()
    var recordID: CKRecord.ID?
    var task: String
    var stretch: Int
    var achievable: Int

I pull the data from CloudKit database which contains as task, stretch and achievable values.

In my view, i have this:

    @EnvironmentObject var listTasks: PointsTables

Now I want to create a Picker with SegmentedPickerStyle, that creates just the task string from the Struct, eg:

Picker(selection: $taskSelector, label: Text("What task?")
                ) {
                    ForEach(listTasks.taskdata) { index in

But this gives me a Segmented Picker, but no selection, as I can't work out how to do the ForEach with an index (which I don't think has one).

Anyone offer some advice? I feel I'm close to the solution, yet miles away.


By "ForEach with an index" do you mean using a range, as in ForEach (0 ..< tasks.count)? Why do you think you need that? Because your taskSelector is an index? Can it be the data itself?

Your ForEach returns index, which is a piece of data, not an actual index from the range. Your taskSelector needs to be that type and equal to the selection you want.


Thanks for the suggestion. With a new view on my approach, I did persevere with my code. In the end, i found:


was the format I was looking for in the end, and now have a succesful picker. I also learnt by putting the Picker in it's own struct view and calling it, prevented the slight flicker you see as iOS refreshes the view. Good tips. Thanks


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