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Changing text when button is pressed

Forums > SwiftUI

I'm a complete beginner, I am following the 100 days of SwiftUI but as someone with zero experience it's slow going. I am trying to put what I have learned into practice which helps me to remember at least parts of what I am learning.

But I am stuck on what I feel should be a pretty simple task. I have a function that makes a random paragraph out of some arrays. It generates the paragraph on load, but I wanted a button to create a new paragraph when pressed. Below is my code, could someone point me in the right direction?

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {

    func timeToDie() -> String {
        let moodDie = ["happy", "sad", "quite pleased",]
        let dieDate = ["in a month", "in about a week", "next Tuesday", "almost a year to the day"]
        let howDie = ["be eaten by cats", "get stuck in the washing machine", "fall into a puddle"]
        let doingDie = ["digging for bones", "mixing a drink", "fishing for hats", "waiting for a bus"]
        let whereDie = ["a side street in Paris", "the Treaty Center", "the Bell Road"]
        var result = ""

        result = ("I'm \(moodDie.randomElement() ?? "") to tell you that \(dieDate.randomElement() ?? "") you will \(howDie.randomElement() ?? "") while \(doingDie.randomElement() ?? "") in \(whereDie.randomElement() ?? "").")

        return result


    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            VStack {

                Button(action: {timeToDie()
                }, label: {
                    Text("When will it happpen?")





struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {


can you please try below code - in SwiftUI , the button click will not change any thing , our mind thinks like it should , but here the compiler want a source of truth to change , which is a property wrapper in your case @State private var changeQuestion = false

then i toggle it on button click, so it become true, then inside body i check it like so if changeQuestion { , however now there is a catch again , we are stuck with true value , how do we change it again, so i just use an else block where your function already calls a random para while you are also clicking on button turning it to true again, doing so also toggles my if changeQuestion {section to true so now it runs , so on and so forth

So in short - first click , becomes true, then on second click become false , but you still get a new para as you are now calling your random function, on third click becomes true ,so function is called again and the cycle continues

struct ContentView: View {

    func timeToDie() -> String {
            let moodDie = ["happy", "sad", "quite pleased",]
            let dieDate = ["in a month", "in about a week", "next Tuesday", "almost a year to the day"]
            let howDie = ["be eaten by cats", "get stuck in the washing machine", "fall into a puddle"]
            let doingDie = ["digging for bones", "mixing a drink", "fishing for hats", "waiting for a bus"]
            let whereDie = ["a side street in Paris", "the Treaty Center", "the Bell Road"]
            var result = ""

            result = ("I'm \(moodDie.randomElement() ?? "") to tell you that \(dieDate.randomElement() ?? "") you will \(howDie.randomElement() ?? "") while \(doingDie.randomElement() ?? "") in \(whereDie.randomElement() ?? "").")

            return result


   @State private var changeQuestion = false
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
                    VStack {

                        Button {
                        } label: {
                            Text("When will it happpen?")
                        if changeQuestion {
                        } else {







As @AmritShirvastava has indicated, you need an @State for your view. If you want to keep the timeToDie() action, then you have to create a variable for the string.

struct ContentView: View {

    @State private var timeIsNigh = "Sooner or later"

    func timeToDie() {
        let moodDie = ["happy", "sad", "quite pleased",]
        let dieDate = ["in a month", "in about a week", "next Tuesday", "almost a year to the day"]
        let howDie = ["be eaten by cats", "get stuck in the washing machine", "fall into a puddle"]
        let doingDie = ["digging for bones", "mixing a drink", "fishing for hats", "waiting for a bus"]
        let whereDie = ["a side street in Paris", "the Treaty Center", "the Bell Road"]
        // var result = ""

        timeIsNigh = ("I'm \(moodDie.randomElement() ?? "") to tell you that \(dieDate.randomElement() ?? "") you will \(howDie.randomElement() ?? "") while \(doingDie.randomElement() ?? "") in \(whereDie.randomElement() ?? "").")

        // return result

    var body : some View {

        ZStack {
            VStack {

                Button(action: {timeToDie()
                }, label: {
                    Text("When will it happpen?")





Thank you, I'm going to resist the tempation to copy and paste but will look at these and try and learn from them!


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