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Can someone help me with a stepper in a list

Forums > SwiftUI

I trying to make a list loaded from a struct with a stepper in it, and that stepper is needed to give the amount of every part. But I don't see it what I do wrong, but it don't work.

struct ConSumData: Identifiable,Codable, Comparable {
    var id = UUID()
    var artNr = ""
    var description = ""
    var favorite = ""
    let amount: Int

    static func < (lhs: ConSumData, rhs: ConSumData) -> Bool {
        lhs.description < rhs.description

class Consum: ObservableObject {
    @Published var ConSumItem = [ConSumData]()

    init() {
        self.ConSumItem = []

struct ProductView: View {
    @ObservedObject var NewConsum: Consum

    @Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode

        var body: some View {
                List {
                    SearchBar(text: $searchItem, placeholder: "Description")

                    if isLoaded == true {
                        ForEach (NewConsum.ConSumItem.filter({self.searchItem.isEmpty ? true: $0.description.contains(searchItem)})){ ConSumData in
                                Text (ConSumData.favorite)
                                VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                                    HStack {
                                        VStack {
                                            Stepper("Amount",value: ConSumData.amount, in: 0...100)


Does it compile and are errors displayed, because according to the Developer Documentation it should be UISearchBar, not SearchBar?

UISearchBar is part of the UIKit framework.

Also cannot see the declaration of searchitem, but I assume it is declared as a @State private var. Is that right?

However the Stepper function needs a State variable.

@State private var percentConsumed: Int = 0

// New update function
func updateValues() {
ConSumData.amount = percentConsumed

Stepper("Amount",value: $percentConsumed.onChange(updateValues), in: 0...100)

I haven't tested it, and I hope it helps.


Hi @Greenamberred, thanks for your comment but it don't work because the $percentConsumed.onChange is not possible. The searchbar is working, but I did not put it in the sample code because it was to much. ;-) If you have other idees for helping me, please put them here and I try.


Maybe this might work, or something along these lines.

@State private var percentConsumed: Int = 0

Stepper("Amount", value: $percentConsumed, in: 0...100)
      .onChange(of: percentConsumed) { ConSumdata.amount in


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