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SOLVED: Buttons not working inside List View

Forums > SwiftUI

I have a row in a list with some text and two buttons either side. However, I am unable to press both buttons. It seems that having both buttons there doesn't work. I have created a simple example of the problem I am experiencing below. Just copy and paste the code and try for yourself. Changing the List to a VStack solves the issue, but I would like it in a list row as the rest of the screen content is a List.

import SwiftUI

struct ButtonTest: View {
    @State private var number = 0

    var body: some View {
        List {
                Button("Decrease") {
                    number -= 1
                Button("Increase") {
                    number += 1
            Text("Number: \(number)")

Many thanks for any help!


Yes, but you can set the button style on your List to something different. .buttonStyle(BorderlessButtonStyle())


Works like a treat! Thank you.🙂


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