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Button inside Text (SwiftUI)

Forums > SwiftUI

I want to insert a button inside the text, something like

 Text("MyLocalizedKey \(Button(action:{}){Text("tap me").foregroundColor(.blue)})")

or To be clearfied ,

I just want to implemnet a away like instagram comments, when the comment contains #swift, the swift word become a button with blue color.


Prior to SwiftUI 3, there's no way to really do that in native SwiftUI; you need to use a (UI|NS)ViewRepresentable to wrap a (UI|NS)TextView and display an NSAttributedString that has the link attribute set for the text you want to be a link.

In iOS 15 and SwiftUI 3, you can use the new AttributedString. You can either manually add links or use Markdown to supply the links:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {

    var attributedString: AttributedString

    init() {
        //either like this:
        attributedString = AttributedString("Hello, #swift")
        let range = attributedString.range(of: "#swift")!
        attributedString[range].link = URL(string: "")!

        //or like this:
        attributedString = try! AttributedString(markdown: "Hello, [#swift](")

    var body: some View {


thank you @roosterboy, Xcode 13 is not working well on my mac, I appreciate your response. I will try (UI|NS)ViewRepresentable for that.


thanks for the awesome information.


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