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.autocorrectionDisabled() not updating with @State variable

Forums > SwiftUI

Using 'true' or 'false' works as expected:

TextEditor(text: $input)

But when replacing with a State variable, only the initial value is used. When the state value changes to 'false', the behavior of autocorrect doesn't change.

@State var shouldDisable = true  

TextEditor(text: $input)  
    .onReceive(aTimer) { \_ in  
        if otherConditionMet {  
            withAnimation {  
                shouldDisable = false  

The timer is firing every second to evaluate if otherConditionMet. Here's the output of the simple print statement confirming shouldDisable updates when the other condition is met:

`shouldDisable: true`
`shouldDisable: true`
`shouldDisable: true`
`shouldDisable: true`
`shouldDisable: true
`shouldDisable: false`
`shouldDisable: false`
`shouldDisable: false`

I've validated by initialing 'shouldDisable' to true and again initializing to false and swapping shouldDisable = true in the if statement. In both conditions, only the initial value is used, despite how the variable changes.

Thanks for any input!


Update: I just validated this with the follwoing bare-bones file. The bool toggles to false, but the TextEditor does not re-enable autocorrection:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var input = ""
    @State var autocorrectionDisabled = true

    var body: some View {

        VStack {
            TextEditor(text: $input)

            Button("Toggle Autocorrection") {
                print("autocorrectionDisabled: \(autocorrectionDisabled)")

I'd be interested to hear others' results and ideas about how to work around this.


When you're absolutely sure that you're passing in the correct value, you probably aren't.

Dashboard View

I like to create DashboardViews to show my @State variables and other bindings. Using red and green colored icons 🔴🟢 reminds me of a car's dashboard Check Engine light. So, like you, I created a simple version. Check it out....

struct AutoKorrectVeew: View {
    @State private var spell         = "Write the korrect spall here."
    @State private var spellingCharm = true
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            // Add a dashboard view to test your assumptions about your state variables.
            DashboardView(isOn: spellingCharm).padding(.bottom)

            Text("Write a Spell!").font(.largeTitle)
            Toggle("Cast Charm", isOn: $spellingCharm).padding(.vertical) // <- Use a toggle!
            TextEditor(text: $spell)

// Are you sure your variable is updating?
// Construct a simple dashboard to show the state of your variables.
struct DashboardView: View {
    var isOn: Bool
    var dashboardIcon: Image {
        // 🔴🟢
        isOn ? Image(systemName: "checkmark.seal.fill") : Image(systemName: "seal.fill")
    var iconColor: Color {
        isOn ? .green : .red.opacity(0.4)

    var body: some View {


I have no solution for you! 😿
My results were the same as yours. Changing the autocorrrectionDisabled bool value seems to have no effect.

I thought it might have something to do with the keyboard type? But that too yielded nada.


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