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@FetchRequest does not update View until app restarts

Forums > SwiftUI

Hi, I have 2 views in a ToDos app, one view allows the user to add new ToDos and mark them as completed and another shows a calendar that allows the user to see all the ToDos that they might have completed on any given day. A many to one relationship exists between the ToDo entity and the DayOfYear entity. When the user taps on the ToDo Complete button I update the completedDay_ relationship under ToDo in Core Data. When I immediately switch to the calendar view FetchRequest doesn't contain anything even though I have immediately after updating the relationship. But when I restart the app, the calendar view shows the Completed Todo correctly. Am I doing something wrong with FetchRequest?

do {
    let today = DayOfYear.withDate(convertStringToDate(day), context: context)
    todo.completedDay_ = today
} catch {
    print("Error saving managed object context: \(error)")
extension DayOfYear {
    static func withDate(_ day: Date, context: NSManagedObjectContext) -> DayOfYear {
        let request = fetchRequest(NSPredicate(format: "date = %@", day as CVarArg))
        let days = (try? context.fetch(request)) ?? []
        if let day = days.first {
            return day
        } else {
            let newDay = DayOfYear(context: context)
   = day
            return newDay
@FetchRequest(entity: DayOfYear.entity(), sortDescriptors: [], predicate: NSPredicate(format: "date >= %@ AND date <= %@", Date().startOfMonth() as CVarArg, Date() as CVarArg)) var daysOfYear: FetchedResults<DayOfYear>

Text("Completed ToDos").font(.title)
    .onAppear {
        // prints empty until I restart the app


Seems like a xcode bug, Im facing this issue as well, not sure about the actual reason, Im also facing weird issues with @State variables where the values dont update instantly and always returns nil


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