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assign properties to buttons in a grid

Forums > SwiftUI

this seems like it should not be so hard, and yet...

so I have a grid of buttons, say, 3x3 for simplicity. In each square, there's a button:

ForEach(0..<gridSize, id: \.self) { row in
                GridRow {
                    ForEach(0..<gridSize, id: \.self) {col in
                        if (row + col).isMultiple(of: 2) {
                        GeometryReader { proxy in

                                Button (action: {
                }, label: {
                                    Text("some text")
                                        .frame(width: proxy.frame(in: .global).width,height: proxy.frame(in: .global).height)

what I want to do is assign a set of properties to the button, such as a UUID, a name, and a set of coordinates that correspond to its grid location. Here's a struct I built, but it can be a class too, i'm not tied to either:

struct buttonData {
    var buttonID = UUID()
    var buttonContents: String
    var buttonCoords: (buttonX: Int, buttonY: Int)

so now I have the data I care about (and I'm not tied to this method either, if someone has a better way, cool).

What I am utterly failing it is assigning those properties to the button in a way that lets me reference it on a click. I can use a state var or a stateobject var, but I get one version of that, and I need anywhere between 9 and 100 depending on grid size (the user can change the grid size from 3x3 to 10x10)

At some point, I need to be able to reference the buttons from an outside function, hence the buttonID and buttonCoords, but I can't even ASSIGN the values much less use them.

any help would be appreciated.

(tl;dr of backstory - it's for a project building an SOS game where you try to build "SOS" on a game board)

what I have so far in "completed" form is at:



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