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SOLVED: Am I missing something?

Forums > SwiftUI

Hi everyone,

I'm very new to XCode and SwiftUI and aren't seeing the same in XCode when I start a new project. I'm using version 13.4.1 and when I start a new project, I get the project name, ContentView, Assets and Preview Content in the Navigator pane. Following Paul's project 1 video, he has AppDelegate.swift, ViewController.swift, MainStoryboard, Assets.xcassets, LaunchScreen.storyboard, info.plist and products.

Do I need to reconfigure anything in my XCode? Or is it just something wrong with the way I'm creating a new project?

Best wishes,



Do you have a link to the project 1 video you're referring to? Is the video from the SwiftUI course or the UIKIt (100 Days of Swift) course? If Paul's talking about SwiftUI apps in the video you're referring to and has the files you mentioned, it's an old version of the video that uses an older version of Xcode. But it sounds like the video you're referring to uses UIKit, not SwiftUI. The files you listed (AppDelegate.swift, ViewController.swift, MainStoryboard, LaunchScreen.storyboard) are generally used in UIKit apps, not SwiftUI apps.

The first video I see for the first project on the most recent 100 Days of SwiftUI course is at the following link:

In this video Paul has the same files you have.


Hi, thankyou for getting back to me. The tutorial I'm refering to is the 'Storm Viewer' project. If this app is built using UIKit, will I still be able to follow along in the latest version of SwiftUI? I'm particularly interested in gaining more experience building a UI using the 'storyboard' method and linking it through to the code being built. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm very new to code and swift, so struggling to follow constructively, without getting more and more confused. Thank in advance, James


The Storm Viewer project uses UIKit so you won't be able to follow along if you use SwiftUI.

To follow along with that project in Xcode 13, choose the App project template from the iOS section of the New Project Assistant and click the Next button. Choose Storyboard from the Interface menu instead of SwiftUI.

Keep in mind the UIKit course has not been updated for Xcode 13 so what you see may not match what Paul shows in the video. You will have an easier time following the videos if you take the 100 Days of SwiftUI course, which has been updated for Xcode 13.


Thank you, much appreciated.


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