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Advice for a problem with the dismiss button

Forums > SwiftUI

I'm making my first app, and I have a favourite button on a page 3 pages deep. When you push the back button to go to the contentview which just uses a (@Environment(.dismiss) private var dismiss1) to go back. On the contentView I have a fav.count() showing the number of favourites selected but it doesn't update unless I close the app and restart it.

But I have just realised that instead of a dismiss, if I use a .fullscreencover (like below to go back) then it updates. But I feel somehow this will cause problems.

Question is does anyone know why it's not updating with the dismiss button or what i can do to make it update or do you know if using the .fullscreencover to go back to the home page is ok to do?


.fullScreenCover(isPresented: $contentPage) { contentPage() }


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