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Adding bottom spacing on non-Face ID phones

Forums > SwiftUI

This question is a little bit hard to Google / phrase but easy-ish to explain visually :-)

I'm just targeting iOS 15 and using SwiftUI and would like to put a button at the bottom of the screen:


This works fine and I'm basically doing this:

List {
.safeAreaInset(edge: .bottom) {
  Button() label: {
    Text("Create prompt")

That said on non-Face ID phones without the swipe indicator (excuse the terminology / I don't know how best to describe this distinction which makes it difficult to Google) the button touches the bottom of the screen which I don't want:


While I can add e.g. .padding(.vertical) to the button and have it looks good on non-Face ID phones, it then adds unwanted spacing to Face ID phones. Is there a way to just add the spacing to non-Face ID phones?



Yes, you can. Basically, you need to get the device type and then set the padding f.e. with a ternary operator.

Here are examples of how you get the device type. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26028918/how-to-determine-the-current-iphone-device-model


Thanks for the reply. I was hoping to find a solution that didn't involve maintaining a mapping of current and future (e.g. iPhone SE 2 was released after iPhone X but has a touch ID sensor) devices just to update the spacing. I'm curious if anyone has run into this specific problem before and if they just regularly update a list of which phones have touch ID vs. not.

I've played around around with this solution which is a little clunky but seems to work:

let button = Button {} label: {

if UIApplication.shared.windows.first?.safeAreaInsets.bottom == 0 {
} else {

Basically if there's no space at the bottom of the window, add bottom padding. I factored it out into a separate modifier:

struct SafeAreaBottomPadding: ViewModifier {
    func body(content: Content) -> some View {
        if UIApplication.shared.windows.first?.safeAreaInsets.bottom == 0 {
        } else {

extension View {
    func safeAreaBottomPadding() -> some View {

Which I can use like this:


Generally SwiftUI is pretty good about default spacing in a variety of contexts so I was hoping there was a more idiomatic solution / I'm not sure if there any caveats to this approach, but in my limited testing it seems work.


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