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UITouch coordinates

Forums > Swift


Ok this has been driving me nuts for days now. I have a UIImageView as a child of UIView. I load an image into the UIImageView and set the view's frame size. But now when I read UITouch's, the point coordinates are not what I expect. I want UITouch to send me the coordinates in the same range as the UIImageView frame size. I've tried changing the view in touch.location(in: myUIImageView) but I can only assume UITouch is gving me coordinates based of the main UIView? How do you resize the main UIView or get UITouch to give me the coordinates from the image view frame size?

Thanks for any advice given.



More info:

If I print out view.frame.size, I get (896.0, 414.0). If I print out the points I get from UITouch, they seem to be in that range.


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