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SOLVED: Swift Day 2 - Question about Dictionaries

Forums > Swift

About dictionaries, I don't understand the meaning of last paragraph mentioned about: Note: When using type annotations, dictionaries are written in brackets with a colon between your identifier and value types. For example, [String: Double] and [String: String].

I need some examples to understand this paragraph, thanks.


If you have var greeting = "Hello, playground" the type (of String) is inferred, however you can do var greeting: String to tell Swift that greeting is a type of String. So the note is say how to tell Swift of the type eg

var someDict: [String: String]
var otherDict: [String: Double]


Type annotations <== This phrase is used a LOT in SwiftUI and Swift documentation and videos.

We mostly can guess the type of a variable when it's defined. Let's try!

let someVariable = 2   // What type are we storing here?  Have a guess!
var anotherVariable = "Please press the Like button and subscribe!"

This isn't a problem. We can see the first is an Int and the second is a String.

But in some cases, you'll not have data ready to use. But you need to reserve the variable. In this case, you'll want to LEAVE A NOTE to let Swift know what you plan to use. You will annotate your declaration with the TYPES you plan to use.

let someVariable : Int     // leaving a NOTE for Swift.
let anotherVariable : String // this is Type Annotation. 

As @nigel points out above, when you want to declare a dictionary, you can let Swift guess by providing default values. But if you want to declare a dictionary without default data, you have to use TYPE ANNOTATION to let Swift know what types you'll be using in the dictionary.

// Declare a dictionary by type inference. (Let Swift guess the types!)
var osDictionary = ["Macintosh": "MacOS", "iPhone" : "iOS", "Watch" : "WatchOS" ]  // Inferred types.
// Declare a dictionary by type annotation. (Leave a note for Swift ... )
var someDictionary: [String: String]    // This is a note for Swift
var otherDictionary: [String: Double]   // Swift doesn't have data yet, but knows what you'll be storing.


Thanks @Obelix your clear and detail reply, I totally understand. Thanks @NigelGee your quick and simple reply, too. 👍


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