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SOLVED: How to use generics to simplify overloaded functions

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I need a little help updating some overloaded funcs such that I can use generic functions instead.

I am writing an application where I produce a grayscale image from some raw data. The raw data (typically terrain data) contains data points of Doubles or Ints, depending on the source dataset that I am using.

I have created some custom "shaders" that convert the raw data value to a grayscale pixel value, but I have to create two overloaded functions for every shader I need.

func shaderLinear(_ v: Double, limits: ClosedRange<Double>, scalar: Int, isInverse: Bool) -> UInt8 {
  return UInt8(normaliseValue(v, limits: limits, isInverse: isInverse) * Double(scalar))
func shaderLinear(_ v: Int, limits: ClosedRange<Double>, scalar: Int, isInverse: Bool) -> UInt8 {
  return UInt8(normaliseValue(v, limits: limits, isInverse: isInverse) * Double(scalar))

// ... other shaders, code not provided...

func normaliseValue(_ value: Double, limits: ClosedRange<Double>, isInverse: Bool) -> Double {
  let lower = limits.lowerBound
  let upper = limits.upperBound
  let v = min(max(value, lower), upper) - lower
  let span = upper - lower
  return (isInverse) ? 1.0 - (v / span) : v / span
func normaliseValue(_ value: Int, limits: ClosedRange<Double>, isInverse: Bool) -> Double {
  return normaliseValue(Double(value), limits: limits, isInverse: isInverse)

This works okay but I was hoping to replace the overloaded shader functions with something like ...

func shaderTest<T: Numeric>(_ v: T, limits: ClosedRange<Double>, scalar: Int, isInverse: Bool) -> UInt8 {
  return UInt8(normaliseValue(Double(v), limits: limits, isInverse: isInverse))

If this works, I would only need one normaliseValue function and a single generic function for each shader I want to implement. But I get an error Initializer 'init(_:)' requires that 'T' conform to 'BinaryInteger'. So I guess Numeric is not the correct generic to use in my case.

Is my approach simply wrong? Suggestions on a better way to use generics instead of my overloaded functions would be very welcome. Kieran


Double.init(_:) requires that the value conform to BinaryInteger, which Double does not. So if you try to call your shaderTest function with a Double, that's an error.

AFAIK, you have to do something like this:

func shaderTest<T: Numeric>(_ v: T, limits: ClosedRange<Double>, scalar: Int, isInverse: Bool) -> UInt8 {
    let val: Double
    switch v {
    case let i as Int: val = Double(i)
    case let d as Double: val = d
    default: fatalError()
    return UInt8(normaliseValue(val, limits: limits, isInverse: isInverse))


@roosterboy, TY! That'll do the trick.

For my implementation, I would need to include the switch block in every shader, so I pulled that out into a separate function. Also added a little future proofing, in case I have to hande Floats.

func dblFromNumeric(_ n: any Numeric) -> Double {
  let val: Double
  switch n {
  case let i as Int: val = Double(i)
  case let f as Float: val = Double(f)
  case let d as Double: val = d
  default: fatalError()
  return val

func shaderLinear<T: Numeric>(_ v: T, limits: ClosedRange<Double>, scalar: Int, isInverse: Bool) -> UInt8 {
  let val = dblFromNumeric(v)
  return UInt8(normaliseValue(val, limits: limits, isInverse: isInverse) * Double(scalar))

So that makes it pretty easy to update all my shaders (another 10 of them). Thanks again.


Rather than a free function dblFromNumeric you could do it as an extension on Double:

extension Double {
    init<T:Numeric>(_ v: T) {
        let val: Double
        switch v {
        case let i as Int: val = Double(i)
        case let d as Double: val = d
        case let f as Float: val = Double(f)
        default: fatalError()
        self = val

And then call it like so:

let val: Double = .init(v)

Heck, you could even lose the intermediary variable:

return UInt8(normaliseValue(.init(v), limits: limits, isInverse: isInverse) * Double(scalar))

Personally, I find this better since I wouldn't have to remember the existence of dblFromNumeric and could just initialize the Double from the given value.


Awesome, I like it. So you fixed my orginal problem and helped me improve my code.



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