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SOLVED: How to implement tree data structure in Core Data?

Forums > Swift

Hi, I am working on a project which has an internal filesystem such as nested folders and files, which requires a tree data structure, how can this be implemented in Core Data?



The simplest approach would be to store optional parent. So this would be nil for top-level objects and upon selecting one foldermyou could query all folders whose parent is this selected one


@nemecek-filip thanks for the answer but creating a relationship requires an inverse for that property, what should the inverse of parent?


I think you can either have no inverse or go for one to many relationship and so the folder would have something like child folders.


@nemecek-filip thanks for the help, it worked


Can you please give the solution how you setup core data model and how you input data and show it to the user. I also need to do it but i'm stuck for many days I highly your help



I am trying to do the same thing. Does this approach support reorder, insert, and delete?


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