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SOLVED: Card exercise

Forums > Swift

Hello guys. I’m having some issues with an exercise and I’m stuck, to be honest I don’t know where to begin. Ok so the task is this: I need to write a code that takes a certain number of cards “N” and shows how many decks I can get, deck is defined as a set of 32 unique cards.

My first thoughts were sorting out enums for suits and values and I know how to create a deck but I don’t think that is necessary here. Any help would be appreciated and thank you!


its just a division problem, ignoring any left overs i.e. 31 cards isnt going to work. And int will discard this automatically.

func getNumberOfDecks(fromCards cards:Int, deckSize:Int) -> Int {
    return cards / deckSize

let decks = getNumberOfDecks(fromCards: 100, deckSize: 32)

If this is for a course please add in error tests, at least check for 0 on the decksize.


It really is a simple division. I got confused as the excercise said "32unique cards", also a simple 0...X range could have been used. I got it now, thank you for your reply!


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