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AppCode iOS IDE

Forums > Swift

I’m wondering if anyone is using AppCode by Jetbrains? It’s not free but it’s very similar to Intellij for Java and I agree with tag line “Develop with pleasure”. It can be found at

Even though it sounds a little flaky to use two IDE’s I find AppCode to be good for:

  • hacking code
  • unit testing
  • source control especially GIT integration
  • refactoring, code completion
  • Code Inspection
  • Finding Usages


Yep, longtime fan. I find the navigation around complex codebases better than XCode. XCode 12 is getting there but AppCode is still smoother with things like the Structure view showing methods in the current tab.

Also, for many years, AppCode offered simple refactorings for C++ which XCode just refused to handle. I'm mostly working in Swift now and AppCode's code completion is still superior.

Things that have improved in XCode

XCode's navigation directly to a method or class is now lightning fast which has closed the gap a bit.

XCode's ability to run a single unit test in a file has also caught up.


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