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keyPath issues

Forums > macOS

In a Document app for MacOS using latests non-beta tools.

This works:

   Table(transactions) {
   TableColumn("Payee") { transaction in
          Text("\(transaction.payee ?? "no payee")")

But this column version does not:

   Table(transactions) {TableColunn("Payee", value: \.payee)

The error is about the .payee keyPath "Key path value type 'String?' cannot be converted to contextual type 'String'"

payee is an optional property of the @Model class TheTransaction. The class has an init and also code to make it codeable (for JSON import).

If the model is in a standard struct there is no problem and both work, although the former is not not sortable.

The goal is to list all the transactions in a Table, sortable by any column. Straighforward when not using SwiftData.

Anyone have an example of presenting SwiftData in a Table and eligible for sorting?



You could add a computed property to your Model unwrapping the optional and use that as your keyPath,

var payee: String?

var unwrappedPayee: String {
    payee ?? "no payee"
TableColumn("Payee", value: \.unwrappedPayee)


Yes that does compile, but isn't it just the same as making the var non-optional (which also works).


Sorry i misunderstood your question; The only way i've been able to display and sort a Table from SwiftData is using a computed property to sort after the query and displaying the sorted version in the table, here's an example using a Model i took from apple:

struct ContentView: View {
    @Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext
    @Query private var people: [Person]

    @State var sortOrder = [KeyPathComparator(\Person.givenName)]
    @State var id = UUID()

    var sortedPeople: [Person] {
        people.sorted(using: sortOrder)

    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {
            Table(sortedPeople, sortOrder: $sortOrder) {
                TableColumn("Given Name", value: \.givenName)
                TableColumn("Family Name", value: \.familyName)
                TableColumn("E-Mail Address", value: \.emailAddress)
            .onChange(of: sortOrder) {
                id = UUID()
            .toolbar(content: {
                ToolbarItem {
                    Button("Add Example") {
                        try? modelContext.delete(model: Person.self)

                        let person1 = Person(givenName: "Juan", familyName: "Chavez", emailAddress: "")

                        let person2 = Person(givenName: "Mei", familyName: "Chen", emailAddress: "")

                        let person3 = Person(givenName: "Tom", familyName: "Clark", emailAddress: "")

                        let person4 = Person(givenName: "Gita", familyName: "Kumar", emailAddress: "")

class Person: Identifiable {
    let givenName: String
    let familyName: String
    let emailAddress: String
    let id = UUID()

    var fullName: String { givenName + " " + familyName }

    init(givenName: String, familyName: String, emailAddress: String) {
        self.givenName = givenName
        self.familyName = familyName
        self.emailAddress = emailAddress


Updated the code inside the sortedPeople to use .sorted(using: ) instead of the mess of a switch.


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