Greetings Elise,
Please allow me to introduce myself, Gurmeher Chawla, a senior and seasoned iOS and macOS Developer with about 8 years of Swift, and 10 years of Objective C experience.
I have developed numerous apps, the last one being a social media application Buddyng(
I'd like you to know that I am into fitness and already had MyFitnessPal installed on my phone prior to coming across this post. I would be much obliged to get the opportunity to work on it and help bring all requirements and goals to fruition.
Technical Qualifications:
I am well versed with numerous first party frameworks including Foundation, Combine, CoreData, CoreGraphics, Quartz, AVFoundation, CoreLocation, MapKit, IOKit, Photos, StoreKit, AppKit, UIKit, SwiftUI, AuthenticationServices, and third party frameworks including Firebase, GoogleMaps, TwilioChatClient, Alamofire etc.
My skillset includes implementation of views by code including auto layout constraints, thorough debugging for bug fixing, optimisations, and deployment to App Store.
Please revert if interested at
Thank You