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Disabling recursion trigger logging

Forums > iOS

Does anyone know what this message means:

[UICollectionViewRecursion] cv == 0x7fe385815e00 Disabling recursion trigger logging


Can you post your ViewController code?


I am also facing this issue. while I tried to add UIMenu in my UI. Here is the code:

    let action = UIAction(title: "Majha"){ action in

    let menu = UIMenu(
        image: nil,
        identifier: UIMenu.Identifier("First"),
        options: .displayInline,
        children: [action]

    let trial = UIBarButtonItem(title: "BarButton", image: nil, primaryAction: nil, menu: menu)

    self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = trial


I've spend some time answering this on Stackoverflow directly, you can go check my answer:

Someone there shared a tweet from the developer that seems involved:

So it's definately not your fault, for disabling this message for convenience you can check my solution.

As @Minho shared it's seems to be a simple debug / diagnostic left by a dev.

Fortunately for us they used Os.Log which we should all use, correctly like it is done here.

Using the console we can identify the subsystem and category of the messages logs of related error

We can then tell Os.Log to ignore the related subsystem and Category With subsystem: and category: UICollectionViewRecursion

This give us the following commands, the first for system (device), the second for the booted simulator.

// Disable forgotten 'UICollectionViewRecursion' debug messages, see.
sudo log config --mode "level:off" --subsystem --category UICollectionViewRecursion
xcrun simctl spawn booted log config --mode "level:off" --subsystem --category UICollectionViewRecursion

Hope this helps and again please use Os.Log in your projects.


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