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SOLVED: Catalina on mid 2012 MacBook Air with 4GB memory

Forums > iOS

hi, Since i work on iOS apps and didn't see a general section, I posted my question here. Has anyone upgraded to Catalina on a MacBook Air that has only 4GB memory? How is the Mac running? How is Xcode running?



Might be useful as a reference: Worked fine on an early-2015 (I think) 8GB i5, but Xcode obviously took ages to build a large project


On my old mini (2011-16GB RAM) and Mojave, Xcode was terribly slow. I think that it will be same for you. 4GB wasn't enough like 8 years ago and sure is not now....


@Gakkienl - do you still have the spinning hard drive in there? Or was this upgraded to an SSD? I'm about to try the surgery to get an SSD in a 2011 Mac Mini then upgrade... How did you get Mojave on that old of a machine? - it seems like it's not supported. Some folks telling me to use this:



No SSD, but I did have 16GB ram, to keep as much in RAM as possible. SSD would improve building for sure, but working with xcode will not go much faster and simulators are way to slow, if they run at all ...


On my mac mini late 2012 8gb ram ssd Xcode and Catalina are pretty fast. I am now looking into old budget macbook that i can carry with me, but honestly just want to get another macmini . This is a great computer.


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