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Xreader - Utility for reading Swift development related news and articles

Forums > App Announcements

Hi👋 I recently shipped my first app in App Store: Xreader.

I started it as an example project to explore some of frameworks I have never touched before, and I also need an app for portfolio:) But what if it could be actually useful, thought I. And cause I'm really love and appretiate Swift community, love to read articles, explore blogs, listen podcasts etc, I thought that I could make an app that I actually wanted for myself when I started to learn:) An app where I could have latest articles and news from all over the community, and everything else related. And what if I am not even the only one who would enjoy this kind of utility, so let me know if you like it:)

This is basically first app I ever shipped. Only essential functionality for now, based on Dave Werver's awesome iOS Dev Directory.

Of course there are things to add, and some interesting ideas. Contact me if you have any thoughts, offers or anything else to discuss:)



Nice! gonna give it a go!


Thanks! Feedback is really motivating:)


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