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SOLVED: WeSplit: Setting dynamic max value to range based on previous selection

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

Hi all,

This is my first post here - hopefully I'm following protocol.

I'm trying to build on the WeSplit project by adding the ability to determine how much money should go on your credit card. For example, if there are 6 people and the user is paying for 3 of them (say, each owes $40), I want the user to see the total for all 3 ($120).

The problem I'm having is being able to dynamically set the range for the "people on your card" picker based on the user's previous selection in the "number of people" picker (since peopleOnCard should always be < numberOfPeople).

When specifying the range inside the people on card picker

Picker("People on your card", selection: $numberOfPeople) { ForEach(2..<($numberOfPeople + 2)) { Text("\($0) people")

I get the following error: Cannot convert value '$numberOfPeople' of type 'Binding<Int>' to expected type 'Int', use wrapped value instead. But removing the $ sets the range to the original value of numberOfPeople, rather than user selection.

Any suggestions on how I can do this?


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This is one way that I just found to make this work.

Basically created a variable to store the number of people that the user is paying for...

@State private var payingFor = 1

Then, created a computed property to calculate the possible range of values that could be selected for that variable...

var payingForOptions: Range<Int> {
    1..<numberOfPeople + 3

//This uses +3 because our number of people Picker position 0 is already offset by 2 people, and now we want our range to end with that same number of people.  
//But ForEach won't accept a ClosedRange of Integers, so we have to end the range with <

Then, created a Picker for it like this...

Picker("Paying for", selection: $payingFor) {
    ForEach(payingForOptions, id: \.self) {
        Text("\($0) people")


That works. Thank you for the solution and formatting advice!


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