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project 7 - iExpence. question

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

I went back to previous projects to fill the gaps. It's also an opportunity to ask questions I was embarrassed to ask.

  1. I always wanted to know how to make a TotalAmount from all the expences in a list. Back in the days when I did this app first time I wanted to implement this but couldn't and forgot about it later. But I remember that @NigelSee did that in his app.

So @NigelSee, or anyone else, please help me with this. I tried to do this with computed var or with didSet but the amount of my experience is not enough. It's not working.

code I tried to implement but it isn't working causing several complaints from Xcode:

    @State var totalAmount = {
        let tempTotal = 0
        for expence in expences.items.amount {
            let tempTotal += expence

    @State var totalAmount1: Double {
        didSet {
            let tempTotal = 0
            tempTotal += expences.amount

I know I'm missing something and the solution is shamefully simple probably but there's no other way to learn other than to try and to ask. I want to get better.


  1. Second thing that was bothering me a little was a popping keyboard while entering Name or Amount of the expence. To be precise - it was staying popped out. I knew we could hide keyboard because previously Paul has shown us how to do this. So I tried to implement this with next code in AddExpenceView:
extension View {
    func hideKeyboard() {
        let resign = #selector(UIResponder.resignFirstResponder)
        UIApplication.shared.sendAction(resign, to: nil, from: nil, for: nil)

// and 

.onTapGesture { hideKeyboard() }

But ! When I do this and launch the app a problem occurs: I cant chose the Expense Type with a Picker. It's not "tappable" The only way how it's available to select is through a long tap on a Picker Field and with only what it redirects me to next page to chose between Personal and Business.

Any ideas why this happens ?

Thanks for your advices !


Don't think you need State here.

var totalAmount: Double {
  var tempTotal = 0.0 //if amount is a Double. I don't know the project
  for expence in expences {
    tempTotal += expence.amount
  return tempTotal

For dismissing the keyboard and if you're on iOS 16 you can use https://www.hackingwithswift.com/quick-start/swiftui/how-to-dismiss-the-keyboard-when-the-user-scrolls



Thanks for the proposed solution, sensei. Yes,sure it was Double as you mentioned, yes - comp.var. can't be used with @State. I remembered that moment. But something other is wrong. Tried. Here we go:

What can be wrong now ?

regarding the keyboard solution: I'm on iOS 15 still with Xcode 13. I hesitate if I should update. Still plenty of negative reviews on AppStore.

Or should I go for version 14 anyway ? 🤔


For the first error, DataModel has an amount property, but [DataModel] (i.e., an array of DataModel) doesn't.

For the second error, you want to use expences.items instead of expences there. expences isn't something you can loop through, but its items property is.


@roosterboy, thank you for explanation ! The code to make it work eventually be like one below. I'm happy for now.

    var totalAmount: Double {
        var tempTotal = 0.0 
        for expence in expences.items {
            tempTotal += expence.amount
        return tempTotal

Next thing I faced was the formatting of the result on a screen. Here are all the options I could do. Of course I didn't touch extensions here.

What would be the most elegant solution from Senior Developer point of view ? (The one with NSNumber is outdated as I understand ? )

                         Text(totalAmount, format: .currency(code: "USD")) //$22.50
                         Text(formattedTotal)                              // 22.50
//                         var formattedTotal: String {
//                             let nf = NumberFormatter()
//                             nf.minimumFractionDigits = 2
//                             let formatted = totalAmount
//                             return nf.string(from: formatted as NSNumber)!
//                         }
                         Text("\(totalAmount)")                           // 22.500000
                         Text(totalAmount.formatted())                     // 22.5
                         Text(formattedTotal2)                               // 22.50
//                         var formattedTotal2: String {
//                             let formattedTemp = totalAmount
//                             return String(format: "%.2f", formattedTemp)
//                         }


And the problem with keyboard/picker relationship is still unresolved. Have no idea why that happens :(



@ngknm14, quick question: how did you acheive to place the text list of expenses below the nav bar and before the list ?


@Aizen, sorry for late reply.

It's very easy. Inside of my List I put a Section, while ForEach is inside a Section, not the List. Making this you can add a "header" to your Section and make it look a way you want (sure with some limitations)

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List {
                Section {
                    ForEach(expences.items) { item in
                        HStack {
                            VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                            Text(item.amount, format: .currency(code: "USD"))
                    .onDelete(perform: removeItems)
                } header: {
                    HStack {
                        Text("list of expences")
                        // ...


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