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SOLVED: General Question on the Process of Learning SwiftUI

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

I'm on day 21 of the 100 Days of SwiftUI plan and loving it so far, though I'm struggling a bit with the thinking process behind some of the code. I'm the type of thinker that can't fully grasp things unless I understand the context behind them.

When Paul introduces new concepts, such as changing an image shape using .clipShape(), displaying an alert using .alert(), modifying the font color with .foregroundColor(.white) etc., I find myself wondering how he arrived at these design decisions. I can understand the code and replicate it by looking back, but when I look at the underlying Swift developer docs I can't make any sense of the thinking process and how he chooses the modifiers that he does.

To anyone reading, do you have any advice? Should I just chill and move forward and eventually I'll understand the process? Or should I spend some time reading through the dev docs to understand all of this in more depth?

Thank you for your time!

Background: I'm a beginner studying Swift and C#. Right now I'm working through this tutorial while reading the Swift Book


@twostraws  Site AdminHWS+

Hello! If you're asking about how I come to design decisions, it's almost entirely based on what I think looks good – there's no magic there. Apple does have a great many recommendations for creating iOS apps, called its Human Interface Guidelines. However for anything else, such as how I clip shapes or choose colors, it's mostly based on what I think looks good, backed up by whether it's relevant for the project.


Thank you for the reply!


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