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Day 85 - HotProspects - help finding solution for deleting from an array that's a computed property

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Really scratching my head with this one and hoping someone can point out where I'm going wrong. I finished up HotProspects, but I wanted to practice adding a couple extra features, like deleting entries. For my array of prospects that I gave the 'List' and for completing challenge #3, I ended up needing two enums and two computed properties, the first 'filteredProspects' to sort between Everyone, Contacted and Uncontacted, and a second one 'sortedProspects' to determine the sorting method based on the status of the '@State var sortByName = true' property. When it came to adding the delete() method, I knew I needed a '@State' wrapper around the array, and I also found that I couldn't do that with a computed property. So my thought went to... can I put the logic inside the second computed property 'sortedProspects' in a method, return a new array that is tracked by a @State variable, give that array to delete() and have it work? The code compiles, but as soon as I delete a row it pops back in. I'm struggling to see how I can make the chain work. You'll see how I'm trying to use getFilteredAndSortedProspects() to take my @State array called prospectsArray, apply the post-filter sorting part of the logic, and give it back, but it's not working as I intend. Writing functions like that is really a stretch for me so I'd greatly appreciate any feedback! Here's my 'ProspectsView'

struct ProspectsView: View {
  enum FilterType {
    case none, contacted, uncontacted

  @EnvironmentObject var prospects: Prospects
  @State private var prospectsArray = [Prospect]()

  @State private var isShowingScanner = false
  @State private var showingActionSheet = false
  @State private var sortedByName = true

  let filter: FilterType
  var title: String {
    switch filter {
    case .none:
      return "Everyone"
    case .contacted:
      return "Contacted people ✔️"
    case .uncontacted:
      return "Uncontacted people"

  var filteredProspects: [Prospect] {
    switch filter {
    case .none:
      return prospects.people
    case .contacted:
      return prospects.people.filter { $0.wasContacted }
    case .uncontacted:
      return prospects.people.filter { !$0.wasContacted }

  var body: some View {
    NavigationView {
      List {
        ForEach(getFilteredAndSortedProspects(prospectsArray)) { prospect in
          // Challenge 1
          if validateView(prospect) {
            HStack {
              NameAndEmailStack(prospect: prospect)
              Image(systemName: "checkmark")
          } else {
            NameAndEmailStack(prospect: prospect)
        .onDelete(perform: delete)
                            Button(action: { self.showingActionSheet = true })
                              Image(systemName: "arrow.up.arrow.down.square")
                              Text("Sort by")
                            Button(action: { self.isShowingScanner = true
                            }) {
                              Image(systemName: "qrcode.viewfinder")
      .sheet(isPresented: $isShowingScanner, onDismiss: prospects.saveData) {
        CodeScannerView(codeTypes: [.qr], simulatedData: "Paul Hudson\npaul@hackingwithswift.com", completion: self.handleScan)
      // Challenge 3
      .actionSheet(isPresented: $showingActionSheet) {
        ActionSheet(title: Text("Sort by:"), buttons: [
                        .default(Text("NAME")) { self.sortedByName = true }, .default(Text("MOST RECENT")) { self.sortedByName = false }, .cancel()])
      .onAppear(perform: prospects.loadData)

  func handleScan(result: Result<String, CodeScannerView.ScanError>) {
    self.isShowingScanner = false
    switch result {
    case .success(let code):
      let details = code.components(separatedBy: "/n")
      guard details.count == 2 else { return }

      let person = Prospect()
      person.name = details[0]
      person.emailAddress = details[1]

    case .failure(let error):
      print("Scanning failed")

  func getFilteredAndSortedProspects(_ array: [Prospect]) -> [Prospect] {
    var array = prospectsArray
    if sortedByName {
      array = filteredProspects.sorted { $0.name < $1.name }
      return array
    } else {
      array = filteredProspects.reversed()
      return array

  func delete(at offsets: IndexSet) {
    prospectsArray.remove(atOffsets: offsets)

  func validateView(_ prospect: Prospect) -> Bool {
    if prospect.wasContacted == true && filter == .none {
      return true
    } else {
      return false


Hey jessielinden;

I had the same problem - the key to solving it was to realize that the sorted array had different indexes than filteredProspects.

I added this function to Prospects class (added it here for proper encapsulation):

    func remove(at offsets: IndexSet) {
        people.remove(atOffsets: offsets)

Then, in ProspectsView I altered the onDelete call to find the index of the id in filteredProspects array that matched the id in my sroted array. Then I called remove() on Prospects class:

.onDelete {
                    (offset) in
                    for i in offset {
                        if let found = filteredProspects.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == sortedProspects[i].id }) {
                            let idx: IndexSet = IndexSet(integer: found)
                            prospects.remove(at: idx)


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