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Day 59: SortDescriptor problem

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI


On day 59, challenge 3, we are asked to " Make FilteredList accept an array of SortDescriptor objects to get used in its fetch request."

I could not compile it by using [SortDescriptor].


import CoreData
import SwiftUI

struct FilteredList<T: NSManagedObject, Content: View>: View {
    var fetchRequest: FetchRequest<T>
    var singers: FetchedResults<T> { fetchRequest.wrappedValue }

    enum PredicateType: String {
        case beginsWith = "BEGINSWITH"
        case contains = "CONTAINS"
        case containsCI = "CONTAINS[c]"
    var predicate = PredicateType.beginsWith

    let content: (T) -> Content

    var body: some View {
        List(fetchRequest.wrappedValue, id: \.self) { singer in

    init(nsType: Int, sortType: [SortDescriptor],  filterKey: String, filterValue: String, @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (T) -> Content) {

        if nsType == 0 {
            predicate = .beginsWith
        } else if nsType == 1 {
            predicate = .contains
        } else {
            predicate = .containsCI

        fetchRequest = FetchRequest<T>(entity: T.entity(), sortDescriptors: sortType, predicate: NSPredicate(format: "%K \(predicate.rawValue) %@", filterKey, filterValue))
        self.content = content

In ContentView, I call FilteredList as below;

FilteredList(nsType: 0, sortType: [
                SortDescriptor(\.lastName, order: .reverse)
              ], filterKey: "lastName", filterValue: lastNameFilter) { (singer: Singer) in
                Text("\(singer.wrappedFirstName) \(singer.wrappedLastName)")



This is also puzzling for me. We can pass [NSSortDescriptor] instead, but that type doesn't have generic equivalent.

*Actually there are constructors for FetchRequest (both regular and generic), which take SortDescrtiptors type, but they are versions without entity parameter:


I suspect the problem here is in this line

fetchRequest = FetchRequest<T>(entity: T.entity(), sortDescriptors: sortType, predicate: NSPredicate(format: "%K \(predicate.rawValue) %@", filterKey, filterValue))

you have to initialize the underlying value not the wrapped one:

_fetchRequest = FetchRequest<T>(entity: T.entity(), sortDescriptors: sortType, predicate: NSPredicate(format: "%K \(predicate.rawValue) %@", filterKey, filterValue))


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