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Day 46, challenge ColorCycling: not sure what is meant, two solutions follow. Comments invited.

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

In the third challenge for the Drawing app, the following is asked:

Create a ColorCyclingRectangle shape that is the rectangular cousin of ColorCyclingCircle, allowing us to control the position of the gradient using one or more properties.

I was not sure what exactly is meant. Do we literally have to use a Gradient? The original solution did not, but worked with insets, all stroked with a different color.

Also, we are asked to use a rectangle, but is this just the surrounding shape or do the different colors also need to have rectangular shape?

In the end, I decided to make two solutions. The user can switch using a toggle.

The first is analogous to the given solution in that it is circular, however embedded in a (rounded) rectangular shape and implemented using a RadialGradient. The center can be moved through sliders for X and Y. This one was not too difficult.

The second was to have (rounded) rectangular shapes everywhere, getting smaller and smaller and so that they "disappear" in a point. This point can also be moved. At first I thought to use inset(by:), but that appears not to be possible in SwiftUI: one cannot have separate values for the four directions. And I need to, in order to be able to move the center. So I had to forego inset(by:), and size and position all rectangles explicitly.

I did consider creating my own inset(by insets: EdgeInsets) modifier, but found it not necessary, and probably more complicated than necessary, once I found out how simple it is to size and position a rectangle.

It cost me quite some time to arrive at this solution and I had a few false starts, but in the end it does not seem too complicated. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

import SwiftUI

struct ColorsView: View {
    @State private var colorCycle = 0.0
    @State private var locX = 50.0
    @State private var locY = 50.0
    @State private var useGradient = true

    let baseCornerRadius = 25.0

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Toggle("Use gradient?", isOn: $useGradient)
            ZStack {
                GeometryReader { geo in
                    let w = geo.size.width
                    let h = geo.size.height
                    let m = min(w,h)
                    let centerX = locX * w / 100
                    let centerY = locY * h / 100
                    VStack {
                        if useGradient {
                            let center = UnitPoint(x: centerX / w, y: centerY / h)
                            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: baseCornerRadius)
                                    RadialGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: colors(steps: Int(m), amount: colorCycle)), center: center, startRadius: 0, endRadius: m/2))
                        } else {
                            ZStack {
                                ForEach(0..<Int(m), id: \.self) { value in
                                    let v = CGFloat(value)
                                    let cornerRadius = baseCornerRadius * (m - Double(value)) / m
                                    RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: cornerRadius)
                                        .size(width: w-(v*w/m), height: h-(v*h/m))
                                        .offset(x: v*(centerX/m), y: v*(centerY/m))
                                        .stroke(color(for: value, amount: colorCycle, steps: Int(m)), lineWidth: 2)


            Text("Color cycle")
            Slider(value: $colorCycle)

            Slider(value: $locX, in: 5...95, step: 1)

            Slider(value: $locY, in: 5...95, step: 1)

    func color(for value: Int, amount: Double, steps: Int) -> Color {
        var targetHue = Double(value) / Double(steps) + amount

        targetHue = targetHue.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1)

        return Color(hue: targetHue, saturation: 1, brightness: 1)

    func colors(steps: Int, amount: Double) -> [Color] {
        var colors = [Color]()

        for i in 0..<steps {
            colors.append(color(for: i, amount: amount, steps: steps))

        return colors


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