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SOLVED: Day 38, Challenge 3

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

I tried the splitting of personal and business expenses in iExpense. I'm looking for a good way to present totals for each of these in the List Section footer. Is there an easy way to achieve this (personal expenses section as an example)?

List {
                if personalExpenses.personalItems.isEmpty {
                    Section("Personal Expenses") {
                        Text("No personal expenses")
                } else {
                    Section() {
                        ForEach(personalExpenses.personalItems) { item in
                            HStack {
                                Image(systemName: "creditcard")
                                VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 5) {
                                .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
                                Text("\(item.amount, specifier: "%.2f kr")")
                        .onDelete(perform: removePersonalItems)
                    } header: {
                        Text("Personal Expenses")
                    } footer: {
                        Text("Total personal expenses: \(100) PLACEHOLDER")


Try something like this

var sumPersonalExpenses: Double {
    let amounts = personalExpenses.personalItems.map { $0.amount }
    return amounts.reduce(0, +)


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