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Day 30 5.2 can't find errorMessage in Scope

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

I have the problem that errorTitle, errorMessage and showingError can't be found in the Scope.

Anyone know why that might have hppened or what I must do?

func wordError(title: String, message: String) { errorTitle = title errorMessage = message showingError = true

I did create the @State private var: @State private var errorTitle = "" @State private var errorMesssage = "" @State private var showingError = false


Hi Nealswiss96 Please can you put code inside ` code ` or use the icon </>. It make it easy to read. You should have

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var usedWords = [String]()
    @State private var rootWord = ""
    @State private var newWord = ""

    @State private var errorTitle = ""
    @State private var errorMessage = ""
    @State private var showingError = false

    var body: some View {
      // some code in body

    // some other methods

    func wordError(title: String, message: String) {
        errorTitle = title
        errorMessage = message
        showingError = true

The error is that the compiler can find where you define the variables


Thank you for your answer!

When looking at your code I realized that I had the block of code at the wrong place. Won't work in the ContentView_Previews


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