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Day 19 Solution

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

Here's my solution for the challenge. I tried my best to use simple concepts with as much efficiency as I could think of.

I also tried to change the values of the inputUnit and outputUnit state variable so whenever the user chooses a different conversion type, it will pick the first two units of that type. But I couldn't figure that out so I finished the challenge without doing so.

Please feel free to give any advices or suggestions. and sorry if the code hurts your eyes 😅

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {

  // conversion types and units arrays
  let coversionTypes = ["temp", "length", "time", "volume"]
  let temperatureUnits = ["celsius", "fahrenheit", "kelvin"]
  let lengthUnits = ["meters", "km", "feet", "yards", "miles"]
  let timeUnits = ["seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days"]
  let volumeUnits = ["ml", "liters", "cups", "pints", "gallons"]

  // state variables
  @State private var coversionType = "temp"
  @State private var inputUnit = "celsius"
  @State private var outputUnit = "fahrenheit"
  @State private var inputValue = 0.0
  @FocusState private var inputValueIsFocused: Bool

  // computed property to display units based on chosen conversion type
  var conversionUnits: [String] {
      switch coversionType {
      case "temp":
          return temperatureUnits
      case "length":
          return lengthUnits
      case "time":
          return timeUnits
          return volumeUnits

  // computed property to convert from any input to celsius
  var tempCelsius: Measurement<UnitTemperature> {
      switch inputUnit {
      case "fahrenheit":
          return Measurement(value: inputValue, unit: UnitTemperature.fahrenheit).converted(to: .celsius)
      case "kelvin":
          return Measurement(value: inputValue, unit: UnitTemperature.kelvin).converted(to: .celsius)
          return Measurement(value: inputValue, unit: UnitTemperature.celsius)

  // computed property to convert from any input to meters
  var lengthMeters: Measurement<UnitLength> {
      switch inputUnit {
      case "km":
          return Measurement(value: inputValue, unit: UnitLength.kilometers).converted(to: .meters)
      case "feet":
          return Measurement(value: inputValue, unit: UnitLength.feet).converted(to: .meters)
      case "yards":
          return Measurement(value: inputValue, unit: UnitLength.yards).converted(to: .meters)
      case "miles":
          return Measurement(value: inputValue, unit: UnitLength.miles).converted(to: .meters)
          return Measurement(value: inputValue, unit: UnitLength.meters)

  // computed property to convert from any input to seconds
  var timeSeconds: Measurement<UnitDuration> {
      switch inputUnit {
      case "minutes":
          return Measurement(value: inputValue, unit: UnitDuration.minutes).converted(to: .seconds)
      case "hours":
          return Measurement(value: inputValue, unit: UnitDuration.hours).converted(to: .seconds)
      case "days":
          return Measurement(value: inputValue * 24, unit: UnitDuration.hours).converted(to: .seconds) // no day unit!
          return Measurement(value: inputValue, unit: UnitDuration.seconds)

  // computed property to convert from any input to milliliters
  var volumeMl: Measurement<UnitVolume> {
      switch inputUnit {
      case "liters":
          return Measurement(value: inputValue, unit: UnitVolume.liters).converted(to: .milliliters)
      case "cups":
          return Measurement(value: inputValue, unit: UnitVolume.cups).converted(to: .milliliters)
      case "pints":
          return Measurement(value: inputValue, unit: UnitVolume.pints).converted(to: .milliliters)
      case "gallons":
          return Measurement(value: inputValue, unit: UnitVolume.gallons).converted(to: .milliliters)
          return Measurement(value: inputValue, unit: UnitVolume.milliliters)

  // computed property to convert from any base value to the chosen output unit
  var outputValue: Double {
      switch outputUnit {

      // temp cases (c to x)
      case "celsius":
          return tempCelsius.value
      case "fahrenheit":
          return tempCelsius.converted(to: .fahrenheit).value
      case "kelvin":
          return tempCelsius.converted(to: .kelvin).value

      // length cases (meters to x)
      case "meters":
          return lengthMeters.value
      case "km":
          return lengthMeters.converted(to: .kilometers).value
      case "feet":
          return lengthMeters.converted(to: .feet).value
      case "yards":
          return lengthMeters.converted(to: .yards).value
      case "miles":
          return lengthMeters.converted(to: .miles).value

      // time cases (seconds to x)
      case "seconds":
          return timeSeconds.value
      case "minutes":
          return timeSeconds.converted(to: .minutes).value
      case "hours":
          return timeSeconds.converted(to: .hours).value
      case "days":
          return timeSeconds.converted(to: .hours).value / 24 // no day unit!

      // volume cases (ml to x)
      case "ml":
          return volumeMl.value
      case "liters":
          return volumeMl.converted(to: .liters).value
      case "cups":
          return volumeMl.converted(to: .cups).value
      case "pints":
          return volumeMl.converted(to: .pints).value
      case "gallons":
          return volumeMl.converted(to: .gallons).value

      // default (return input value)
          return inputValue

  var body: some View {
      NavigationView {
          Form {

              // conversion picker
              Section {
                  Picker("Coversion Type", selection: $coversionType) {
                      ForEach(coversionTypes, id: \.self) {
              } header: {
                  Text("Choose conversion type")

              // input
              Section {
                  Picker("Input Unit", selection: $inputUnit) {
                      ForEach(conversionUnits, id: \.self) {
                  TextField("Input Value", value: $inputValue, format: .number)
              } header: {
                  Text("Choose input unit & enter input value")

              // output
              Section {
                  Picker("Output Unit", selection: $outputUnit) {
                      ForEach(conversionUnits, id: \.self) {
              } header: {
                  Text("Choose output unit")

          // nav title, toolbar to hide keyboard
          .navigationTitle("Units Converter")
          .toolbar {
              ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .keyboard) {
                  Button("Done") {
                      inputValueIsFocused = false


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