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SOLVED: Day 19 Challenge - Unit Conversion

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI


I am completely new to the world of programming and have been following Pauls SwiftUI course. I have managed to complete the first challenge and create a temperature unit conversion app.

The code isn't very pretty and there are lots of if else in order to convert but it seems to work fine.

I have run in to a problem though which I am wondering if there is a solution.

Currently the output text box will display the calculation before the input value is entered. For example:

If Celcius is selected as input and Kelvin as output, 273.15 is displayed if there is no input value.

Is there a way to stop this? Please see the code below.

 @State private var inputUnit = 0
    @State private var outputUnit = 0
    @State private var inputNumber = ""

    let unit = ["Celcius", "Farenheit", "Kelvin"]

    var conversion: Double {

        var conversionResult: Double = 0
        let inputDouble = Double(inputNumber) ?? 0

           // Convert C
        if inputUnit == 0 && outputUnit == 1 {
                 conversionResult = inputDouble * 1.8 + 32
        } else { if inputUnit == 0 && outputUnit == 2 {
                conversionResult = inputDouble + 273.15
        } else { if inputUnit == 0 && outputUnit == 0 {
                 conversionResult = inputDouble
            // Convert F
        } else { if inputUnit == 1 && outputUnit == 0 {
            conversionResult = (inputDouble - 32) / 1.8
        } else { if inputUnit == 1 && outputUnit == 1 {
                 conversionResult = inputDouble
        } else { if inputUnit == 1 && outputUnit == 2 {
            conversionResult = (inputDouble - 32) * 5 / 9 + 273.15
            // Convert K
        } else { if inputUnit == 2 && outputUnit == 0 {
            conversionResult = inputDouble - 273.15
        } else { if inputUnit == 2 && outputUnit == 1 {
            conversionResult = (inputDouble - 273.15) * 9 / 5 + 32
        } else { if inputUnit == 2 && outputUnit == 2 {
            conversionResult = inputDouble
        return conversionResult
Section(header: Text("Converted Value")) {
                Text("\(conversion, specifier: "%.2f")")

Any help is much appreciated!


The reason why it shows the calculated output amount is that your inputDouble is default to 0. If you put a guard let then until a number is type then output will show0


var conversion: Double {
    guard let inputDouble = Double(inputNumber) else {
        return 0

    var conversionResult: Double = 0
    // Convert C
    if inputUnit == 0 && outputUnit == 1 {
        conversionResult = inputDouble * 1.8 + 32
    } else if inputUnit == 0 && outputUnit == 2 {
        conversionResult = inputDouble + 273.15
    } else if inputUnit == 0 && outputUnit == 0 {
        conversionResult = inputDouble
        // Convert F
    } else if inputUnit == 1 && outputUnit == 0 {
        conversionResult = (inputDouble - 32) / 1.8
    } else if inputUnit == 1 && outputUnit == 1 {
        conversionResult = inputDouble
    } else if inputUnit == 1 && outputUnit == 2 {
        conversionResult = (inputDouble - 32) * 5 / 9 + 273.15
        // Convert K
    } else if inputUnit == 2 && outputUnit == 0 {
        conversionResult = inputDouble - 273.15
    } else if inputUnit == 2 && outputUnit == 1 {
        conversionResult = (inputDouble - 273.15) * 9 / 5 + 32
    } else if inputUnit == 2 && outputUnit == 2 {
        conversionResult = inputDouble

    return conversionResult

PS when else if not else { if


however I would use switch statements

Use enum for clarity

enum TempType: String, CaseIterable {
    case celsius = "Celsius"
    case fahrenheit = "Fahrenheit"
    case kelvin = "Kelvin"

Convert to lowest common denominator EG Kelvin

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var inputUnit: TempType = .celsius
    @State private var outputUnit: TempType = .celsius
    @State private var input = ""

    var conversion: Double {
        guard let inputAmount = Double(input) else { return 0 }
        var conversionInput = 0.0
        var conversionResult = 0.0

        switch inputUnit {
        case .celsius:
            conversionInput = inputAmount + 273.15
        case .fahrenheit:
            conversionInput = (inputAmount - 32) * 5 / 9 + 273.15
        case .kelvin:
            conversionInput = inputAmount

        switch outputUnit {
        case .celsius:
            conversionResult = conversionInput - 273.15
        case .fahrenheit:
            conversionResult = ((conversionInput - 273.15) * 9 / 5) + 32
        case .kelvin:
            conversionResult = conversionInput

        return conversionResult

    var body: some View {
        Form {
            Section(header: Text("Input Amount")) {
                TextField("Enter Amount", text: $input)
                Picker("Input Amount", selection: $inputUnit) {
                    ForEach(TempType.allCases, id: \.self) {

            Section(header: Text("Result")) {
                Picker("Input Amount", selection: $outputUnit) {
                    ForEach(TempType.allCases, id: \.self) {

                Text("\(conversion, specifier: "%.2f")")


That's awesome Nigel. And thank you for posting a more elegant solution than my messy code! Still so much to learn.



Craig. I was impressed with your logic (as you are only on Day 19) but when you come to use alot of if statements then you can look at switch statements. I just put it in so you can see there is different ways to code (there more then one way to skin a c..ode)

Just a couple of pointers on your code. Look at name of variable etc and try to make them "read" natural (this is hard sometimes) rather then putting Double, ( i know you will see things like numberString for a number that is a String but if the variable is a number(Double, Int etc) then just put a name.

When you put comments give details. eg

// Convert to Kelvin from Celsius

Keep up the good work and happy coding


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