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Day 19: Challenge Day

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Hi All. I completed the challenge and the code seems to work but would like to see if there is a better coding solution.

I would also like to learn how to format the "Imperial Number" text view to limit it to decimals. I tried using specifier: "%.2f", but it returns an error, and I think its an issue with converting Measurement(UnitLength), which is beyond my understanding at this point. Thanks for any advice.

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var inputNumber = ""
    @State private var inputUnit = 0
    @State private var outputUnit = 0

    let inputUnits = ["Millimeters", "Centimeters", "Meters", "Kilometers"]
    let outputUnits = ["Inches", "Feet", "Yards", "Miles"]

    //  Convert the user’s input to a single base unit (millimeters).
    var metricConversion: Double {
        let metric = Double(inputNumber) ?? 0

        switch inputUnit {
        case 0:
            return metric
        case 1:
            return metric * 10
        case 2:
            return metric * 1000
        case 3:
            return metric * 1_000_000
            return 0

    //  Convert base unit into relevant imperial measurement.
    var imperialConversion: Measurement<UnitLength> {
        let imperial = metricConversion
        let distance = Measurement(value: imperial, unit: UnitLength.millimeters)
        let inches = distance.converted(to: UnitLength.inches)
        let feet = distance.converted(to: UnitLength.feet)
        let yards = distance.converted(to: UnitLength.yards)
        let miles = distance.converted(to: UnitLength.miles)

        switch outputUnit {
        case 0:
            return inches
        case 1:
            return feet
        case 2:
            return yards
        case 3:
            return miles
            return distance

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {

            Form {
                Section(header: Text("Metric Number")) {
                    TextField("Input Number Here", text: $inputNumber)

                Section(header: Text("Imperial Number")) {

                Section(header: Text("Select Input Unit")) {
                    Picker("Input", selection: $inputUnit) {

                        //  Use a ForEach to count through all the options in the the array, converting each one into a text view.
                        ForEach(0 ..< inputUnits.count) {

                Section(header: Text("Select Output Unit")) {
                    Picker("Input", selection: $outputUnit) {

                        //  Use a ForEach to count through all the options in the array, converting each one into a text view.
                        ForEach(0 ..< outputUnits.count) {
            .navigationBarTitle("Measurement Converter", displayMode: .inline)




I'm also going through Day 19 "Challenge" today and was struggling to do a time converter app. I appreaciate you posting your sample code because it taught me several things that weren't explained in the previous project.



HI @kivikatz

I'm a beginer in Swift/SwiftUI as well (i'm on day 34 challenge only) so maybe my solution isn't the better :-) But I had the same questions as you when I did this day 19 challenge, so I hope my answer will help you.

To Display the converted value, you need to call the "value" property of your converted instance :


// with fromUnit as UnitLength.millimeters
// and toUnit as UnitLength.inches

var convertedValue: Double {
    let userValue = Double(value) ?? 0
    let measure = Measurement(value: userValue, unit: fromUnit)
    return measure.converted(to: toUnit).value

// in your Text field
// %.g to avoid non needed 0
Text("\(convertedValue, specifier: "%g")")
//or %.2f to get x.xx value
Text("\(convertedValue, specifier: "%.2f")")


Hi guys,I'm in the challenge too and I would love to learn how you would improve my code does the code look good for you?

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var inputUnit = ""
     private let units = ["Meters", "Kilometers", "Feet", "Yards", "Miles"]

    @State private var medInicial = 0
    @State private var medFinal = 2

   private var conversion: Double {
        let unitToConvert = Double(inputUnit) ?? 0

        if medInicial == 0 { //Meters
            switch (medFinal) {
            case 1:
                // m -> km
                return unitToConvert/1000
            case 2:
                // m -> ft
                return unitToConvert*3.281
            case 3:
                // m -> yd
                return unitToConvert*1.094
            case 4:
                // m -> miles
                return unitToConvert/1609
                // m -> m
                return unitToConvert
        } else if medInicial == 1 { //Kilometers
            switch (medFinal) {
            case 0:
                // km -> m
                return unitToConvert*1000
            case 2:
                // km -> ft
                return unitToConvert*3281
            case 3:
                // km -> yd
                return unitToConvert*1094
            case 4:
                // km -> miles
                return unitToConvert/1.609
                // km -> km
                return unitToConvert
        }else if medInicial == 2 { //Feet
            switch (medFinal) {
            case 0:
                // ft -> m
                return unitToConvert/3.281
            case 1:
                // ft -> km
                return unitToConvert/3281
            case 3:
                // ft -> yd
                return unitToConvert/3
            case 4:
                // ft -> miles
                return unitToConvert/5280
                // ft -> ft
                return unitToConvert
        } else if medInicial == 3 { //Yards
        switch (medFinal) {
        case 0:
            // yd -> m
            return unitToConvert/1.094
        case 1:
            // yd -> km
            return unitToConvert/1094
        case 2:
            // yd -> ft
            return unitToConvert*3
        case 4:
            // yd -> mi
            return unitToConvert/1760
            // yd -> yd
            return unitToConvert
    } else if medInicial == 4 { //Miles
        switch (medFinal) {
        case 0:
            // mi -> m
            return unitToConvert*1609
        case 1:
            // mi -> km
            return unitToConvert*1.609
        case 2:
            // mi -> ft
            return unitToConvert*5280
        case 4:
            // mi -> miles
            return unitToConvert*1760
            // mi -> mi
            return unitToConvert

        return unitToConvert

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            Form {
                Section(header: Text("Input")) {
                TextField("Input Number Here", text: $inputUnit)
                    Picker("Input Unit", selection: $medInicial) {
                        ForEach(0..<units.count) {
                .pickerStyle(SegmentedPickerStyle() )
                 Section(header: Text("Output")) {
                    Picker("Output Unit", selection: $medFinal) {
                        ForEach(0..<units.count) {
                    .pickerStyle(SegmentedPickerStyle() )

                    Text("\(conversion, specifier: "%.4g")")


            }.navigationBarTitle("Length Converter")


Hey guys,

I was looking for some help and after I got there myself, I figured I'd post my code to solve this first challenge. I thought about using switches to run through the math. Then I reread the challenge and tried to convert the input to inches (I'm in the US). Of course cm is smaller than inches, so the math logic is a little bit of a pain and didn't know how to use if else statements within the var finalNumber. Then I went to mm as Paul said, which worked except going from miles to cm is too small a number to display as a double with 5 decimal points. Finally I converted the input to cm, then cm to any of the output units. 1 challenge down, many to go!

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var inputText = ""
    @State private var outputText = ""
    @State private var inputUnit = 0
    @State private var outputUnit = 0
    let units = ["inches", "feet", "miles", "cm", "meters", "kM"]
    let convertToCm = [2.54, 30.48, 160934, 1, 100, 100000]

    var finalNumber: Double {

        // get inputText into a Double
        let inputNumber = Double(inputText) ?? 1

        // declare the unit of input
        let inputUnitSelected = Double(convertToCm[inputUnit])

        // multiply down to cmUnit
        let cmUnit = inputNumber * inputUnitSelected

        // declare the unit of output
        let outputUnitSelection = Double(convertToCm[outputUnit])

        // multiply up to newNumber
        let newNumber = cmUnit / outputUnitSelection

        return newNumber

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            Form {
                Section {
                    TextField("Enter Your Number To Convert", text: $inputText)
                    Picker("Input Unit", selection: $inputUnit) {
                        ForEach(0 ..< units.count) {
                Section(header: Text("Your convered number")) {
                    if finalNumber > 10 {
                        Text("\(finalNumber, specifier: "%.2f")")
                    } else {

                    Picker("Output Unit", selection: $outputUnit) {
                        ForEach(0 ..< units.count) {

            .navigationBarTitle("I'll Convert You!")

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {


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