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Checkpoint 1: step 1 unclear, it turns out

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

Reading step 1 of Checkpoint 1 "Create a constant holding any temperature in Celsius." I assumed that "any temperature" meant getting a value from the user/keyboard.

After spending, erm, some time trying to sort that I looked at the hints and discovered that what it meant was "Choose a temperature in Celsius and create a constant holding your chosen temperature."

A 3-minute project rather than a fruitless hour-long project.


The key words is Create a constant, so you end up with let something = any temperture

let celsius = 50.0


let celsius: Double = 50

Then number two convert that into a Fahrenheit

let fahrenheit = celsius * 9 / 5 + 32

Then print it

print("\(celsius)°C is equal to \(fahrenheit)°F")


Yes, I did complete the exercise correctly, but I still contend that the phrasing "Create a constant that can hold any number" is confusing—at least once, so far. Different wording would eliminate the confusion.

As programmers, precise language is critical. As a teacher, the same applies.


[in reference to an apparently deleted comment]

It is, in fact, a leap, but good communication doesn't assume "people won't leap." Many people taking this course have extensive coding experience and aren't necessarily going to assume this is a baby step.

I'm not saying "There is no other way to interpret this." I'm saying it's ambiguous without good reason.


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