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Challenge project on consolidation 7-9

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI

Hey there,

I just completed the challenge set in consolidation part 7-9, which was:

  • At the very least, this means there should be a list of all activities they want to track, plus a form to add new activities – a title and description should be enough.
  • For a bigger challenge, tapping one of the activities should show a detail screen with the description, how many times they have completed it, plus a button incrementing their completion count.
  • For an even bigger challenge, use Codable and UserDefaults to load and save all your data.

It works fine, but still I am wondering how did you completed it, especially point 2 of incrementing number of executions?

As I designed following

struct Activity: Codable, Identifable {
  var id = UUID()
  var name: String
  var description: String
  var performed: Int = 0


class Activities: @ObservableObject {
  @Published items = [Activity]()

it's clear I cannot simply increase activity.performed in activity detail view when passed from a list of activities. So I used @EnvironmentObject wrapper and it is working fine. But still wondering if this can be done any other way, as the property wrapper I used hasn't been mentioned in projects done so far?

Best, Kris.


My ContentView show a list of activities, each activity is shown in an ActivityView. The list has a + button in the right of the navigation bar that show a AddActivityView.

A NavigationLink is associated with each item of the list. The link go to an ActivityCompletionView.

The following variables are declared in the ActivityCompletionView struct

    @State var activity: Activity
    @ObservedObject var activities: Activities

In the view I have the following section.

                    Section(header: Text("Completion")) {
                        HStack {
                        Text("\(self.activity.completionCount, specifier: "%d") times")
                        Button(action: {
                         }) {
                             Image(systemName: "plus")

And the ActivityCompletionView struct has the augmentCompletionCount().

    func augmentCompletionCount() {
        let index = activities.activityIndex(of:!
        activities.items[index].completionCount += 1
        activity.completionCount += 1

I should have avoided keeping two things synchonized here. And also avoided a UUID to index conversion "activityIndex(of:" but I was in a hurry to go to the next session :-)


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