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Challenge 1 day 19 solution I know I can improve it but how?

Forums > 100 Days of SwiftUI


import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {

    @State private var lengthIn = 0.0
    @State private var chosenIn = "Meter"
    @State private var chosenOut = "Kilometer"
    let measurements = ["Kilometer", "Meter", "Centimeter"]

    var inputLengthToCm: Double {
        var lengthToCm = lengthIn
        if chosenIn == "Meter"{
            lengthToCm *= 100
        } else if chosenIn == "Kilometer" {
            lengthToCm *= 100_000
        } else {
            return lengthToCm
        return lengthToCm

    var outputLengthUnit: Double{
        var finalLength = inputLengthToCm

        if chosenOut == "Meter" {
            finalLength = inputLengthToCm / 100
        } else if chosenOut == "Kilometer" {
            finalLength = inputLengthToCm / 100_000
        } else {
            finalLength = inputLengthToCm
        return finalLength

    @FocusState private var outputLengthUnitFocused: Bool

    var body: some View {
                //Text Input
                    TextField("Length In", value: $lengthIn, format: .number)

                Section("Input Measurement"){
                    Picker("Input Unit", selection: $chosenIn){
                        ForEach(measurements, id: \.self){

                Section("Output Unit"){Picker("Output Unit", selection: $chosenOut){
                    ForEach(measurements, id: \.self){

                Section("Output Length in \(chosenOut)"){Text(outputLengthUnit, format: .number)}

            }.navigationTitle("Measurement Converter")
                .toolbar{ if outputLengthUnitFocused {
                        outputLengthUnitFocused = false

So i have completed challenge 1 however I'm wondering how I could make my code more streamline. The aim is to convert any input into Centimeter first before then converting the cm to KM or M


You can look up using Dimension, Measurement, Units and .converted - here is an example for temperature



import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var value = 42.0
    @State private var type = ConversionType.temperature

    @State private var tempForm = UnitTemperature.celsius
    @State private var tempTo = UnitTemperature.fahrenheit

    @State private var lengthForm = UnitLength.meters
    @State private var lengthTo = UnitLength.kilometers

    @State private var timeForm = UnitDuration.nanoseconds
    @State private var timeTo = UnitDuration.seconds

    @FocusState private var isFocused

    private enum ConversionType: String, CaseIterable {
        case temperature = "🌡️"
        case length = "📏"
        case time = "⏱️"

    private var result: String {
        switch type {
        case .temperature:
            Measurement(value: value, unit: tempForm).converted(to: tempTo).description
        case .length:
            Measurement(value: value, unit: lengthForm).converted(to: lengthTo).description
        case .time:
            Measurement(value: value, unit: timeForm).converted(to: timeTo).description

    var body: some View {
        Form {
            Section("Conversion Value") {
                TextField("Value", value: $value, format: .number)

            Section("What do you want to convert?") {
                Picker("", selection: $type) {
                    ForEach(ConversionType.allCases, id: \.self) {

            Section("From") {
                switch type {
                case .temperature:
                    Picker("", selection: $tempForm) {
                        ForEach(UnitTemperature.cases, id: \.self) {
                case .length:
                    Picker("", selection: $lengthForm) {
                        ForEach(UnitLength.cases, id: \.self) {
                case .time:
                    Picker("", selection: $timeForm) {
                        ForEach(UnitDuration.cases, id: \.self) {

            Section(header: Text("To")) {
                switch type {
                case .temperature:
                    Picker("", selection: $tempTo) {
                        ForEach(UnitTemperature.cases, id: \.self) {
                case .length:
                    Picker("", selection: $lengthTo) {
                        ForEach(UnitLength.cases, id: \.self) {
                case .time:
                    Picker("", selection: $timeTo) {
                        ForEach(UnitDuration.cases, id: \.self) {

            Section("Result") {

extension UnitTemperature {
    public static var cases: [UnitTemperature] {
        return [.celsius, .fahrenheit, .kelvin]

extension UnitLength {
    public static var cases: [UnitLength] {
        return [.meters, .kilometers, .feet, .yards, .miles]

extension UnitDuration {
    public static var cases: [UnitDuration] {
        return [.nanoseconds, .seconds, .minutes, .hours]

#Preview {


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